

Gamera, King of Monsters
Apr 10, 2004
Manchester England
My computer has been stalling every time I try to run and visually intensive games or programs and I can't really figure out what the problem is, so I was wondering if underclocking might help. But the thing is, I've no idea where to start! I'm really dumb when it comes to this sort of thing <_< Anyway, here's the specs of my system:

Motherboard: Jetway P4XFA
CPU: Intel P4 2.4b
Memory: 512Mb
GFX: Nvidia Geforce4 MX 440

You know, I'm not trying to run Doom3 here...even 2D games crash! Any help would be much appreciated.
Have you allways had this problem or only recently?

You really shouldn't have to underclock, your hardware should run at stock speeds without crashing.

Maybe your temps are too high because of a dodgy fan, possibly on the graphics card. Search google for temp monitor or something. I can't really say what temps you should have because all hardware is different, 50 degrees/C is usually kinda average but this can vary (my CPU usually goes up to 75-80, without crashing).

It could also be bad drivers. Or some other software problem.

If you've already tried these things then I don't know, sorry.
If you are using windows (any version), Do an error check of the hard drive and maybe a defrag. If you are not using windows, do the equivalent in your particular os. It may also be worth updating or reinstalling you sound card and graphic card drivers. Failing that, There`s always windows update or a complete reinstall of windows (if thats what you use).

pubjoe posted on Aug 5 2004 at 12:45 AM said:
Have you allways had this problem or only recently?

Maybe your temps are too high because of a dodgy fan, possibly on the graphics card. Search google for temp monitor or something. I can't really say what temps you should have because all hardware is different, 50 degrees/C is usually kinda average but this can vary (my CPU usually goes up to 75-80, without crashing).
I've always had this problem but never bothered to do anything about it until recently :(

I installed Motherboard monitor and the CPU seems to be around 40c, which would fine I guess.

I downloaded this prog and ran a few passes, I think it came up with 1000+ errors but I'm not 100% sure because I didn't quite understand what I was doing the first time :P I'll double check in a bit and defrag my HD too.

Thanks a lot for the help guys, I'm totally fed up of this now and could do with sorting it once and for all <_<
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Huxley posted on Aug 5 2004 at 03:25 PM said:
I downloaded this prog and ran a few passes, I think it came up with 1000+ errors but I'm not 100% sure because I didn't quite understand what I was doing the first time :P
If memtest86 had 1000+ errors you have some serious problems with your memory or your motherboard.

The memory tester should return 0 errors.
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Is your memory DDR (Double Data Rate) ram ? If it is then it could be bad/damaged. If it is not DDR ram then there is a chance that it could be overclocked or the wrong type of ram (ie, Sdram 133).

Well, I checked memtest again and I got around 9500 errors on test 5!

It's SD PC133 RAM, I think. I'll look in to buying some replacement memory tomorrow. Again, big thanks for the help guys, much appreciated :)