Man is a reasoning rather than a reasonable animal
I have never really played many computer games (besides emulating old systems ) and have decided I would like to try some of them but my computer has a "intel® 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Controller" which means I don't have an AGP port. My computer is a dell demension 2400 with 512MB RAM and a 2.7ghz celeron. What is the best PCI graphics card I can get that is about $100-$180? Also, when I am looking for a graphics card, what determines if it is better? I have seen 128MB ones that are much more expensive than 256MB ones so I'm sure its more than just that but I'm not sure what. I'm not planning on playing these games at great quality, I just want it to look OK and not have any slowdown (my current one slows down in morrowind and I have the graphics as low as they go which means I can't see further than about 50 feet ). The one really new game I would like to play is half-life 2 but I don't think that will run well on any pci card so i've given up on it. Please help me.
EDIT: is this good?
EDIT: is this good?