Backlit Gba Sp Comes Out Along With The Micro!!

Magus. If you cannot be a gentlemen, being a sony fanboi is no better.
You must be too dense to think of more multifarious words then fuck this and fuck that.

Also swearing for no reason when talking to most mature poeple would offend them.
First of all, I'll be whatever the hell I want to be. Secondly, I'm not a Sony fanboy. What have I done that makes me one? Absolutely nothing except defending Sony when someone decided to try to hold them to a double standard... And if you'd actually read my posts, you'd realize there's more than just the word "fuck". You'd probably also realize that not only did I defend Sony when they were being held to a double standard, but that I also defended Microsoft when being held to the same double standard... and I don't even like Microsoft either. So how does that make me a Sony fanboy?

No, actually mature people WOULDN'T be offended by certain words like that, because they'd realize that there's no such thing as a bad word... because words are inanimate objects. The only thing that can be bad is the intention of the person who uses the word. Maturity isn't conforming to society and believing whatever the rest of society tells you... it's opening your damn eyes and actually looking at the world around you and then coming up with your own ideas of what's right and what's wrong. If you just listen to and follow whatever society tells you, then you're more like a child in that your brain hasn't developed beyond dependency upon what other people tell you for your opinions and thoughts.

And I know damn well the only reason you dislike "swearing" is because you've been told that it's bad. But nobody ever told you why, and you didn't ask. I asked why... nobody can give me a logical answer. all they ever say is "it just is," or they tell me that it's a "sin," and I'll go to hell or something retarded like that, which still doesn't say why it's bad. Sin = something bad you're not supposed to do... so basically all I've been told is that it's bad because it's bad... It's all just a bunch of bullshit. Well fuck that, I'll say whatever the hell I want to, and if anybody has a problem with it, he or she can suck a big fat cock.
That's what I'm thinking of doing. Since playing games on the DS the old SP screen really looks poor in comparison. I know I can play my GBA games on the DS instead but I actually much prefer the SP's design and it's easier to tuck away in my bag to take along to work with me.

When are these available in the UK?
I take it nobody knows then? :rolleyes:
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Magus. If you cannot be a gentlemen, being a sony fanboi is no better.
You must be too dense to think of more multifarious words then fuck this and fuck that.

Also swearing for no reason when talking to most mature poeple would offend them.

OH NOEZ! MAGUS CUSSED! Good job detective dipshit, you're a genius for pointing that out.

"Most "mature" people would be offended by cussing." No, most people who happen to believe what they were told as a little kid by their hypocritical parents who do it themselves, will be offended by cussing.

If you're offended by a "cuss word," you're officially a retard.
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Magus. If you cannot be a gentlemen, being a sony fanboi is no better.
You must be too dense to think of more multifarious words then fuck this and fuck that.

Also swearing for no reason when talking to most mature poeple would offend them.

OH NOEZ! MAGUS CUSSED! Good job detective dipshit, you're a genius for pointing that out.

"Most "mature" people would be offended by cussing." No, most people who happen to believe what they were told as a little kid by their hypocritical parents who do it themselves, will be offended by cussing.

If you're offended by a "cuss word," you're officially a retard.
I cuncur. No soccer moms up in this forum ma B)
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Yeah! Damn Sony and Microsoft for allowing you to play discs other than games on their systems! They should be locked so the only thing you can play is games, thus forcing you to buy other shit. You know, the fact that the PS2 also plays DVDs is one of the reasons I got it in the first place. My parents wanted to buy this stupid expensive DVD player/VCR, and I told them about the PS2. They ended up buying the PS2 and a cheap VCR for at least 100 bucks less... But hey, that's a bad thing. I don't like to save money. I also just love it when a company goes out of their way to make it inconvenient for me to do something that I should be able to do.

But wait a minute... The GP32 can also play music and movies... so why is it okay for their game system to do it if it's not for Sony or Microsoft? Hmm... I smell hipocracy and idiocy...

Shut. Up.

"The next time you get the urge to shut somebody up because they don't see the world exactly the same way you do, take a deep breath, get out your Bill of Rights, and count to the ten amendments." - Dennis Miller
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