Wow, so this forum isn't immune to the craziness that infests the PSP kiddy forums at all
The irony here is, all this argument about which big corporate handheld is or isn't more innovative and how one or the other isn't and thus is worth flaming each other over.
Come on, is there one innovative thing about the GP32? Going by the arguments here you could say it's a cheap knock off of the GBA or something.
Oh yeah, it's the open source homebrewer's platform. Except it wasn't originally and only became that because of the support homebrewers gave it and possibly the fact that it wasn't successful enough on a global scale to bother enforcing any big corporate style licensing.
I dunno, just pointing out how damn silly this kind of thread is when we're all devotees of a platform that in many ways is inferior to the GBA, the Zodiac, the Gizmondo, the PSP or the DS.
Does anyone really give a damn? The GP32 is a great lil gadget that we all have the freedom to do with what we will and it's great because of that.
The GP2X even, it's major point for me over say the PSP is that it's an open platform. I can imagine the man on the street seeing the GP2X and thinking it's a cheap knock off of the PSP concept. I'm not saying that, I'm just saying, hell, are we here to one up each over about who's got the biggest FPU or are we here to get on with keeping the GP32 rolling along and making the GP2X a success?
The mainstream handhelds all have their advantages and disadvantages or most of us wouldn't even be here.
Seems like what's really needed here is a forum where ppl can just take their frustrations out on each other in the name of WTF who cares.
Ah, now I feel better.
<passes the napalm>
Hmmm, I regret posting this already.
