Attention All Personel, Incomming N00bz

In all fairness, I go to, which I only learned AFTER joining was completely symbiotic of Gamefaqs. I can't say much for Faqs, but 'Stop seemed to me like kind of a neat place to get game information and show off my game collection, etc.

But I'll readily admit that both sites are full of such whiny, argumentative, picky little fanboy bastards. Sure this doesn't speak for everyone, after all I believe I have pretty good command over punctuation and grammar. However, there are definitely loads of juvvies there that are always just itching to whine or tout the virtues of their system of choice (or themselves).

Still, I like arguing with people like that. It's fun to frustrate them with big words and utter logic. The more calm and sensible I am, the more irritated they get, and the more fun for me!!!

But if it makes any difference, I didn't come here from either site, I just happen to go to Gamepsot sometimes in an unconnected manner. Fuck their aggressive censorship rules though. Ooh, I said emulation!!!! :o
DaveC posted on Sep 20 2005 at 03:36 AM said:
I have been noticing lately that this forum is being bombarded with n00bz, lots of 'em. Not that it is bad.

Just wondering what is happening. I haven't seen this much new activity here for a LONG time. Is this GP32 or GP2X getting some publicity from somewhere that we don't know of?

So if you are a n00b maybe you could tell us where you heard of the GP32/GP2X?

Kind of curious. Maybe this will give a clue of where to "advertise" the system better.

Fair question. I heard about the GP32 over a year ago through my freind who purchased one, I almost got one myself but didnt see that it offered anything major over my laptop so decided to wait for its successor. I didnt think much more about it for a long time until I found out about the GP2X a few months by chance when I searched on google for Gamepark to see if the GP32 was still for sale. Ive been lurking around here since but only registered recently because there were a few questions I wanted to ask.

I think an unfortunate stereotype of the word "Noob" implies immaturity and stupidity, its important to remember that even someone who has just recently signed up to the forum can still have a very valid educated oppinion, although on the other hand it is annoying when you see threads asking the same questions over and over. :rolleyes:
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I first heard about the gp32 when my friend bought one when they were first released but I never had an interest at the time. I have always been a fan of the emulation scene ever since the first genesis and master system emulators as I grew up playing these consoles as a child. I heard about the gp2x via a friend who recieved an email about it as they were a gp32 owner. I decided I needed a new handheld as my gamegear is getting a bit long in the tooth and when I saw this I was amazed at all the features and its positive outlook on homebrew. It seems like a great product and I hope it does well.
I remember when Gamefaqs merged with Gamespot, I remeber I actually thought it was a good idea because it would make 'Faqs a better place if they actually had a Mod staff provided by 'Spot.

As far as I can tell it didn't help.

In fairness I think every general purpose forum conntected to a site like Gamespot or IGN is a hotbed of "retardary". People come for the reviews and then stay to speak their minds, and strangly enough the smaller the mind the more they seem to have to say. IGN probably had the largest collection of illogical lunatics until they closed the forum to everyone but the paying customers. I don't know if they ever opened it back up though since I stopped ging after they did it.
I heard about the GP2X at the forums at its a site about taking gaming consoles and making them portable. I was working on a PSone portable but I havent worked on it in a while.
Hi there,

I am a newbie at the GP32 scene, trying hard not to be a n00b :rolleyes:

I am from Portugal, and I have heard about the GP32 surfing the web in search of handheld consoles for my collection.

I remember hearing something about the GP32 in 2002/03, but It did not get my attention at that time (STUPID!).

Now I am the proud owner of two GP32's (It was something of a missunderstanding... don't ask <_< ), both of the BLU units.

But since one has the Samsung screen and the other is a BLU+, I have not decided wich to keep. (The BLU+ gets to 166Mhz while the BLU only reaches 160Mhz).

For now I will be using the BLU+ to see if I have any problem.

Hopefully, I'll learn something from you guys.

DaveC posted on Sep 19 2005 at 09:36 PM said:
I have been noticing lately that this forum is being bombarded with n00bz, lots of 'em. Not that it is bad.

Just wondering what is happening. I haven't seen this much new activity here for a LONG time. Is this GP32 or GP2X getting some publicity from somewhere that we don't know of?

So if you are a n00b maybe you could tell us where you heard of the GP32/GP2X?

Kind of curious. Maybe this will give a clue of where to "advertise" the system better.
I heard about it on but my friend informed about this website. i just joined today. hopefully itll be an informative experience perusing this board
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I saw the gp32 in some gaming magazine. It was in a list of obscure gaming machines and after reading the little write-up they had on it i went to and purchased one. I think the magazine was electronic gaming monthly but i'm not sure....
I first saw it at Uni from a student who tried to program for it, then later I saw it in GamesTM along withthe web address where they got it from. Haven't looked back since :)
I found out about GP32 while visiting other emu sites like dave's video game classics (now vg-network i think) and mameworld. First MAME on PC...then handheld for me.

I would suggest advertising on retro/80s sites.
I heard about the GPX2 and decided to post here. I wanted a GP32 but didn't have the money when they were stocked here in the US and then when I did have some free money they were all gone. I've actually known about this site before, but didn't like forums until I started using Gentoo Linux, so that's why I'm posting here now.

Yeah, since I found out the GPX2 is going to run Linux I've been excited and I've pre-ordered mine already. I bet the GPX2 turns out to have more users because it will have more developers since it runs Linux, I think GPH made a very good decision on the OS.

Oh yeah, the /. article saying the GPX2 was actually coming out helped quite a bit also!
