List Your Retro-machines You Still Use

I still love playing all the konami and capcom classics on my Sharp X68030. Have it rigged through my hifi so you can really benefit from the great midi sound.

I think i have just convinced myself to have a quick game of Dracula X!! :P
x68000 posted on Dec 19 2005 at 08:35 PM said:
I still love playing all the konami and capcom classics on my Sharp X68030. Have it rigged through my hifi so you can really benefit from the great midi sound.

I think i have just convinced myself to have a quick game of Dracula X!! :P

oh man - I love that game!

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The Amiga 1200 is always set up next to the PC with a HDD full of stuff so that always gets used. The CDTV and CD32 share time on the big TV. Everything else I pretty much emulate, I should start getting rid of a lot of consoles and computers actually... running out of room.
the best console though, imo though just has to be the saturn. A complete retro gamers dream providing you stick to japanese systems and games.

Sega knew what the hardcore gamers wanted but sony didnt give a shit about them though, did they?
Where'd you find an X68000 series machine? I've never even seen one; I guess youhave to import at megabucks?

For that matter.. never seen a Saturn either :P

Damn :P

How does Dreamcast count as retro? It's current gen.
Anyways I use my Dreamcast all the time.

Skeezix: I've never seen a Gamecube :S
My SNES still gets a lot of use.... i don't know if PSX counts as retro but I use it about as much as I use my ps2 (well, sometimes i play psx games on my ps2! i don't know if that would count then....). I'm playing final fantasy 7 right now. I still have to play star ocean 2 (started it but never beat it.....), xenogears, and chrono cross. I'm really behind on my rpg's because i just don't get enough time to complete them. I should really stop buying games until i beat all of the ones i own but then I would miss so many good games.....
GameBoy pocket and color still get lots of use.
my SMD and SNES geta good 2 hours a week each
my SMS and NES get about and 1hour between them
psx is in my room so gets a good 4hours or more
Still use my ZX Spectrum +2. I don't know why I always single out that one as I have the complete set (16K, 48K, 48K+, 128K+, +2, +2A and +3) it's just my retro machine of choice for some reason.

Dreamcast is also definately a retro console now! I also use that a lot and still buy the occasional game for it and the good people at Gamestaion have moved all the dreamcast stuff into the retro section so who are we to argue!

Incidentally the Playstation one isn't in the retro section.... yet.
Play my Super Famicom (SNES) once every couple of weeks, and my N64 gets a fair bit of use - mostly Perfect Dark. I wish I had my Spectrum +2 but its at my mums house and that's about 16,000 miles away. :(
Well I try to play all my amigas as much as possible; A500, A600, A1200 and CD32. Because of the way I have them set up it means I have maximum compatibilty with ALL old software (just bought eye of the beholder 1 & 2 off ebay). I've also started coding on them again albeit I'm trying my hand at amos to see what I can squeeze out of it instead of assembly.Btw I dunno if it counts but I also use my gba sp to play my original gameboy and colour games. Sometimes boot up my snes, nes, megadrive and c64. But right now my gp2x is getting all my attention :lol:
does my old dos 2.0 pc count?

it's got a black & green screen and I still play sports jeopardy and this wqierd collection of like 30 games thing :lol:

oh, I also use it for BASIC programing
skeezix posted on Dec 19 2005 at 12:09 PM said:
While chatting with Metaview in IRC I had this idea.. what machines do you still mess with, rather than using via emulation?

ie: I'm an ST nerd as you all know, but mostly I futz around with things via emulation. However, I have a couple rare machines that I fire up once in awhile..

STacy (Atari ST laptop; 30 pounds heavy makes it loosrly 'laptop' :) I fire up once in awhile; its ST-mono, so good for text adventures and wargames (Empire!), but I don't have a lot on there. I just got a TT030 (sequel to the ST) with a pile of stuff on it .. could be amusing to webbrowse or IRC from as it runs a unix-like OS add on to TOS/GEM :P

I did fire up my Jaguar awhile back, to remember how terrible it was; also dug out an Atari 800XL and XEGS but haven't fired them up yet.. got Pacman and Centipede to try out on there :)

Also a Lynx .. once in a blue moon. So all these Atari machines I fire up every year or two.

I've not fired up a NES or SNES in years; does N64 count? My wife and I were playing through Ocarina of Time and Mario Party there a couple years ago..

Damn, I need to crack out these old machines and give them a whirl :)


Or stop acquiring the damned things; most are worthless and take up so much space... but gotta love 'em!

I have a small collection of old computers that I still use a lot. No consoles unfortunately (yet).

Apple II+ & //c
Atari 800 & 800xl & 130XE
Atari ST 520 & 1040
Commodore Vic-20
Commodore 64
Commodore Amiga 500
Coco 3
TI 99/4A

I hope to someday pick up a IIGS and Coleco Adam. So I guess that rules out 'stop collecting these things'. :)

Cool that you were into STs. We seemed to be a minority compared to those who had Amiga. Growing up I had all Atari but was always jealous of my brother's C64 and Amiga.

I don't think emulation could ever replace these completely for me. I use emulators a lot (mostly for gaming) and while they are totally amazing, they don't get me as nostalgic as firing up these old guys. No emulator has yet to emulate the drive noises of the 1541 or Apple ][ drives. ;)

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thingley posted on Dec 19 2005 at 11:14 PM said:
Still use my ZX Spectrum +2. I don't know why I always single out that one as I have the complete set (16K, 48K, 48K+, 128K+, +2, +2A and +3) it's just my retro machine of choice for some reason.

Dreamcast is also definately a retro console now! I also use that a lot and still buy the occasional game for it and the good people at Gamestaion have moved all the dreamcast stuff into the retro section so who are we to argue!

Incidentally the Playstation one isn't in the retro section.... yet.
How is the Dreamcast retro if the PSX isn't? Dreamcast is a current generation system (unless you are of the mind that we are in the xbox360/ps3/revolution gen right now) and psx is a generation earlier than it....
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The only consoles I really play anymore are my Playstation and Playstation 2, and they're definitely not retro. Anything older than my Playstation is played via emulation.