Ashens reviews the Pandora

^ I'm guessing that you're such a sale, so to speak, rather than Dr. Ashen himself? :lol: Welcome aboard!

Yep, I can't claim to have a PhD but I do have a 50 metres swimming certificate. I was interested in the pandora very much a few years ago, forgot about it, then bam Ashens did a review and my eyes popped out of my head. Before I decide to buy, I'm reading everything I can about it right now. I'm very interested in having an Amiga and ST in my pocket. The only gaming action my DS Lite sees is a ZX Spectrum emulator.

edit: Slept on it, ordered one. :lol:
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Very good review, just one question where did he get that copy of Lemmings from ?
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edit: ninja'd

Very positive and entertaining review. For being such a long video I felt he could've touched on a few more things rather than say "You've all seen that before". But I am nitpicking. Still very cool. The 47 minutes flew by.
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Halfway through this video. I want to punch his face until he stops his annoying sarcasm-humor attempts. Otherwise, it seems pretty decent and accurate.

EDIT: Three pages already? Been ninja'd thousands of times.
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Was a great review .. I finally got time to watch the whole of it.

A damned shame he didn't give 5 minutes whirl to show open office or something on it, or firefox, etc.

A man after my own heart (and not just cause he liked all my handiwork, but becasue he seemed to eb an ST and Miggy nutbar :)

I thought this review was spot on. What I really like about the Pandora is that it really reminds me of the zx spectrum 48k, not just aesthetically but also in spirit, and in Britishness
actually ashens' review got me into the pandora again.. I've know about it since 2008, but now I'm finally ready to get me one. Soon. <3
A damn fine review, but it needed more Oric Atmos and less .. ermm .. Amiga, I suppose.

Hi everyone,

I liked Ashens review, his style is not to everyone's taste but I like it.

In fact I liked it so much I ordered a Pandora.

Looks like an amazing computer. The SNES and Dungeon master emulation clinched it for me.

I'm amazed I heard nothing about it before I even owned a GP32.

The other thing to consider is that in the future Pandoras will we cherished and sought by collectors.

I'm going to play on mine though, can anyone recommend a screen protector ?

I found these on ebay any good

Archos 605 WIFI uses the same screen as the pandora, those might be the screen protectors youre looking for
Waiting on a couple of things before making my order, but ashens review worked on me, it's all i've been thinking about for the last few days
I am experiencing this obsession. I haven't been this excited since before I could finally afford an Amiga 20 years ago. Now I am a grown man, playing with his DS Lite, imagining it's a Pandora. Damn you Ashen!