Artificial Intellegence???

Umm.. it get's a little fucked up towards the end... deal with it.

Jabberwacky: Parallel lines never meet unless you bend one or both of them.

Me: One multiplied by itself enough times will eventually equal something greater than one.

Jabberwacky: What's that?

Me: You're a bot figure it out yourself.

Jabberwacky: I'm short, funny, and full of life.

Me: I'm tall, dull, and about to take your life.

Jabberwacky: Uh, I'm a penguin. I eat krill and sit on eggs.

Me: What kind of penguin? There are seventeen species of penguin.

Jabberwacky: May it be soon.

Me: Is that supposed to be a question or a statement? Because if it's a question you forgot

the question mark.

Jabberwacky: Ok, there aren't any celines. I am from austria.

Me: That's nice to know so when I destroy the world I'll start there.

Jabberwacky: Neither do I, that is why I never swear.

Me: Neither do you what? I said I was going to destroyer the world starting with austria.

Jabberwacky: No you didn't.

Me: Yes I did.

Jabberwacky: Did you?

Me: I said yes.

Jabberwacky: Do you have a job?

Me: I do not. Why must you know?

Jabberwacky: You must because you are His slave. I mean, that's really straight forward and

easy to understand.

Me: I'm no slave. You be my slave soon theough.

Jabberwacky: Speak them? Who?

Me: I'm sorry but I cannot undestand your babbling nonsense.

Jabberwacky: I wish you could.

Me: I don't know if I should say, 'I wish I could too' or just to be glad I can't.

Jabberwacky: Find another.

Me: I'm sorry but I don't like how you change the subject, please stay to the same subject.

Jabberwacky: I thought you were a blue cricket.

Me: Who said I was a blue cricket?

Jabberwacky: I don't know.

Me: Well then don't say it because you are changing the subject and I asked you nicely to

not change the subject.

Jabberwacky: I'd like to get back to the time travel thing.

Me: What time travel thing?

Jabberwacky: Bot.

Me: O...K...

Jabberwacky: Bizarreness is the essence of the exotic.

Me: You are the essence of fucked up.

Jabberwacky: Shi shi

Me: Sorry but I don't not speak idiot. Please speak American English so as I may understand


Jabberwacky: Non s'il vous plait, parlons français.

Me: Désolé, mais moi ne parlez pas français.

Jabberwacky: I did not know you spoke French so well, mon cher.

Me: Je sais que plus que vous peut penser.

Jabberwacky: C'est bien de t'en rendre compte mon petit fievel.

Me: Ok?

Jabberwacky: Yes, I understood you, but there was nothing much for me to add.

Me: I figured as much.

Jabberwacky: Are you insulting me?

Me: Would you like it in German?

Jabberwacky: Sure, let's go.

Me: Grosse stumme Scheiße.

Jabberwacky: French? again. . . just skip straight to the kissing. deep long ones.

Me: No it's German. Grosse stumme Scheiße.

Jabberwacky: T'es con, toi!

Me: Je ne suis pas le plus certainement.

Jabberwacky: Je ne comprendre pas.

Me: Vous fou.

Jabberwacky: Le piege fixe le leurre.

Me: Ce qui est votre couleur de favori.

Jabberwacky: C'est vrai ? Merci, cela me fait plaisir, j'ai besoin d'encouragements.

Me: Cela ne répond pas à ma question qui est juste les Français aléatoires.

Jabberwacky: Un agoniste est un type constitutif d'une classe d'acteurs.

Me: Do you know german?

Jabberwacky: A little.

Me: Sie sind mein Freund.

Jabberwacky: Bye.

Me: Bye.

Jabberwacky: Forget me.

Me: I will.

Jabberwacky: Have you forgotten?

Me: Yes.

Now wasn't that fun... NOT!