Are There Any Decent Open Source Soccer Games


Dec 26, 2007
are there any decent open source soccer games?
can they be ported to the pandora with ease?
what games will likely use the pandora's graphic power? (2d and 3d)

and thx for the answer

do you know of any soccer games that are in 3d?
If you are looking for a polished 3d soccer game, you're better off looking through the PSX library then trying to find an open source game.
i cant buy a psp, im afraid of ghosts(that screen gives me creeps).
but seriously i just wanted to know, and the pandora will do so many things that its hard to let it pass by. there are many open sorce 3d shooters with good graphics, they use a game engine that i can't remember the name right now, i was just wondering if someone created a soccer game based on a existing engine.

arent you supposed to be offering a pandora for me and talk about what it can do? it seems like youre trying to drag me away from it :P

edit: como q vc vai fazer pra comprar seu pandora gogeta? (notei q vc é br so depois q eu postei)
There are a lot of opensource 3d shooters, most of them based on Quake 3. The most impressive is Nexuiz and I'm sure someone will port it.

Do as others have suggested and look for psx games (or some other thing that can be emulated on the pandora).
Nexuiz has steep enough requirements that I wouldn't count on it hitting Pandora, though it would certainly be nice. Warsow, too. But that's all off topic, since this was about soccer, I guess.
EmuGuy said:
Nice! Don't forget Sensible! Not really 3d, but it's plenty fun!

sure it is. loved to play that game when i was (even)younger. and i'm fully aware of psx emulation(winning eleven anyone?) maye even n64(iss). i just wanted something different, couldn't find on google so i asked here :P
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Zoppe said:
edit: como q vc vai fazer pra comprar seu pandora gogeta? (notei q vc é br so depois q eu postei)

It seems gbax (craig's shop) ships to Brazil ;)
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Tinnus said:
Zoppe said:
edit: como q vc vai fazer pra comprar seu pandora gogeta? (notei q vc é br so depois q eu postei)

It seems gbax (craig's shop) ships to Brazil ;)

are you brazilian?
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Tinnus said:
Zoppe said:
edit: como q vc vai fazer pra comprar seu pandora gogeta? (notei q vc é br so depois q eu postei)

It seems gbax (craig's shop) ships to Brazil ;)

it seems most people are not used to buying expensive stuff over the internet, otherwise there would be a lot more gp32, zodiac and gp2x systems available here. dont you agree? (this is also the same reason there are a lot of places re-selling gp2x locally on each country)

if the pandora gets to be a success, be sure you WILL see someone selling them here ;)

yes tinnus is brazilian, [removed due to request]. :lol:
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Zoppe said:
are there any decent open source soccer games?
can they be ported to the pandora with ease?
Off topic: Do you usually call it soccer in Brazil, or are you just making your post America/Australia friendly?
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we call it "futebol". but football often refers to what we call "american football"(run with oval ball in hands) which is kinda weird since you dont use your foot as much as it makes sense in soccer ='P
but yeah, we´re used to typing soccer since this is the correct translation to english :P
.Gogeta§§J4BR. said:
but yeah, we´re used to typing soccer since this is the correct translation to english :P
Term that causes the least confusion; yes, but not exactly the correct translation. I have never heard of a team calling themselves a soccer club. ;)

To add to confusion there are other sports which call themselves football too: Australian Rules Football and Gaelic Football.

On topic there is iSoccer but it doesn't look much like the mainstream football games and is still in development.

It is much more likely you could find some open source football management games.
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