Arch Linux On The Pandora

i think that is a high priority for wejp... I have tried adding hal, udisksvm (AUR), and a bunch of other packages that I thought may be missing and would affect the ability to mount cards and nothing has changed the situation... I'm wondering if forcing the Pandora method of mounting (mkblkxpx or whatever it is, as I am not sure and not posting from my pandora) could be an issue in and of itself, but I'm not sure. I have not looked into that level of coding just yet, so I can't really offer any input on that at the moment...
Hm, well when I managed to get wireless working before, I was using it on a different network than before. I installed browsers and stuff, but now I'm back in my apartment again, and I can't seem to get wifi working.

I'm connected to my network, and I'm even able to ping, when I try to install anything, or open any pages in Midori, the pages don't seem to load (even though, according to wicd, I'm connected to my network.

I'm pretty sure I'm using the same kind of encryption in my apartment as I did at my parent's house (WPA2). The only difference is that this network is hidden. Should I try unhiding the network? Is this an issue with the wireless driver?

And on another note, what browsers are you all using? I think my favorite right now is Surf from Suckless. It's a really stripped down WebKit browser. It renders pages just fine. No toolbar - you have to use keyboard shortcuts to get around. I use the Tabbed tool to embed multiple Surf instances in one window (there's no "new tab" literally have to run a new instance of the program and direct it to the Tabbed window id).

UPDATE: Hm...apparently my Pandora doesn't work with my wireless network even under Angstrom. Any suggestions? I tried unhiding the network and switching to WPA/WPA2 mixed. Neither helped.
They don't necessarily mention wejp's work/efforts, but I'm sure it's a significant part to these products being available:
Custom Processing Unlimite said:
They don't necessarily mention wejp's work/efforts, but I'm sure it's a significant part to these products being available:

Heh? I don't see any mention of Arch Linux there?
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@ quartercast:

I KNOW!!! but have not heard of any form of plug computer running anything OTHER than Plugbox Linux (Arch on ARM) so far... I haven't even heard mention of them running Ubuntu anywhere (which would be a FIRST expectation for running anythign other than plugbox)...

come to think about it, I don't see any mention of exactly what is running under the hood... will have to check their site and see if they even bother to mention that it's running Linux at all, let alone which flavor... I'd expect that to be a GPL violation of some sort if they don't mention it anywhere at all... but we shall see...
Plug computers run all kinds of Linux systems. Arch is far from being the only one and it is not the default OS of those plug computers - at least none that I know of. The article you have linked to explicitly mentions Debian 6.0 with a GNOME desktop being installed on the devices. I doubt there is a GPL violation going on there.
ah, ok... must have skimmed through too fast to see that... I thought I read it pretty thuroughly though... looks like not. :P
UPDATE - I found Arch file by going to Arch on Pandora

Just got my Pandora....would love to run Arch on it....but can't find the file to download anywhere...

Is it still available?

Any updates on Arch for Pandora...looks like it's been about a year since the last post on this....

things have been pretty quiet around this as of late. I have been too busy as of late to be of any help lately. Running your own business is definitely 2+ full-time jobs. Wejp has been pretty quiet, but I'm not sure as to why. I'd say contact him directly to see if he's made any progress or intends to keep the project going. Once things are more stable at my shop, I do intend on working on this as best I can (I know I'm not as skilled as Wejp, but I'm sure I have something to offer in the long run)...
Custom Processing Unlimite said:
things have been pretty quiet around this as of late. I have been too busy as of late to be of any help lately. Running your own business is definitely 2+ full-time jobs. Wejp has been pretty quiet, but I'm not sure as to why. I'd say contact him directly to see if he's made any progress or intends to keep the project going. Once things are more stable at my shop, I do intend on working on this as best I can (I know I'm not as skilled as Wejp, but I'm sure I have something to offer in the long run)...

Thanks for the input, 'CPU'.....

As for running your own business, I can attest to how much work that is...I did it for 14 years....and now, I work for a my weekends back... ;)

Would be interesting to know what's up with Wejp.....calling Wejp.....are you here?.....

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Yes, I'm still here. I also still intend to do updates on the Pandora Arch. If you are using my latest kernel package, it should run pretty nicely as it is, though. If there is anything Pandora-specific that doesn't run so well or that you would like to see in the Pandora Arch version, let me know.
Hey, I've been trying to install Arch Linux on my Pandora, but it keeps saying (while extracting in Terminal) Operation is not permitted for EVERY file, yet it keeps trying to write more files. It did this while I was trying to install Slackware as well, so now I'm here. What could I be doing wrong? I've followed all the steps, I formatted the card as ext2, I changed the directory to where the tar.bz2 file is, but still, nothing... Please help!
Haven't tried this in quite some time now (life been too busy) but now that you've brought this back to the surface, I think I will try to take a crack at it soon.  Gotta get a few more things in my life a bit more stable, but I will be back to see how this is going and if I can help sometime soon.
IMPORTANT: You might be able to get some more info on the situation as of late if you head over to the ArchLinux on ARM (ALARM) forum. There should be at least a few posts there about Arch on the Pandora and likely something up to date. I was floating between both forums for a while, but had to set it aside to take care of other things. Should be back in full swing here again soon.