Anyone want to be Master of the Games? Just an idea..

b_o_b has stepped up to be our Master of Games (unless anyone has any strong opposition) First Regeneration; I'll get him set up and going in a bit, but if you have game recommendations to try out etc, send 'em his way now ;) (He can run through the recent threads to see the list I wanted to look at and didn't get through yet, I'm sure, for starts.)

For policy making etc, send to both of us or to the forum here, but we'll leave final say to him unless its a technical thing and then we can team it!

All hail our new overlord!


Hail b_o_b ! Many thanks for taking this on.

@ b_o_b : If you would like any of the instructions here to be altered / updated in order to help you add Mame games then let me know & I'll update the OP accordingly.
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Thanks Mr_Loon!  I appreciate the offer and will certainly contact you if it is needed to update the instructions. 
I do have some things to send b_o_b so he can help out, but I'm really buried right now.

(My 6yr old is going into hospital for a minor operation tomorrow .. as she's 6, its really rather freaking everyone out here; with work, and pre-op bullshizza, etc .. mad busy lately.)

No worries Jeff, take your time. We are experts in waiting, most of us have had a couple of years of practice ;)  

Good luck tomorrow with the operation. Take care. 
MoG .. can we call you that? ("ROT has a MOG" amuses me for some reason :) -- the month end is rearing up, guess we shoudl get our tails in gear hu?

Time to hit up those past request lists, gather up new requests, and start our testing (time permitting) for what can be included next round.

I'm hacking on your tool now .. its not going to be pretty, but it should do the job :)

If you want to run a tourny of some sort, dream up some rules to make it fair (if even possible, given the wide skill ranges available); we can arrange some prizes (I know some secret awesome ones, or even just I think it was Dunny or someone offering up candy bars :)

Send a basic tool to b_o_b .. hopefully it even works!

OKay, send those MAME requests to b_o_b and see where things go :)

OK, for now based on discussions with Skeezix my plan is to add 5 new games this month. Those 5 will be a selection from a list of games that are tested and proven to work. 

I already tested 2 games BombJack and Mappy that seems to work fine. 

If there is another game you like me to test let me know and I can add it to my to-do list. I will also check the already existing thread for suggestions. After that I will create a poll so everyone can choose their favorite. 

For the chosen games banners should also be created for the c4a site. Volunteers are welcome :)
Scramble should be a freebie as well; I think we've caught the bug there, so that one should work soon as I get around to promoting a change :)

Scramble should now work ..

Please submit some scores, let me know :)


b_o_b -- I took the liberty to promote the updated plugin :P
Scramble should now work ..

Please submit some scores, let me know :)


b_o_b -- I took the liberty to promote the updated plugin :P

Just tried Scramble & my score submitted just fine  :)

Always good to see classics in the Pandora Arcade.

@ b_o_b : Was going to ask for Bombjack, good man  :)