Anyone wanna analyze my spriting?


Half Pepperoni, All Cheese
Sep 15, 2015
North Carolina, USA
I've put over 80 hours into Aseprite, and this is probably the best thing I've ever come up with:


At least it is good though, right? Or maybe not? Go ahead, I'm not afraid of criticism. Not when I have Wendell Best, a.k.a. the Best in the West backing me up. ;)
Work in some shadow. Back of the brim, underneath the lifed arm.
You can also use gradients for more depth. You can also ease up on the outline some places.
I am unsure if those are gloves or guns. If the former, then hold farther in. If the latter, than aim from the eye.
Putting the belt that low, makes it look like asitting pose.
I find it unlikely that someone would dress up in all the same colour. A lighter shirt would do wonders.
Picture 3 drops a pixel out of the boot height.
Add more movement to the transition from one stance to the other, it is very twitchy now,
for example the gun moves just a-b.
Get some movement into the clothes and hat.
Overall very good, i like the beard.
What tovarish said. Work a light source in there, unless you're planning to use something like Sprite Lamp.
Anybody looking forward to the Dark Tower movie? The character reminds me of the Gunslinger.
This is a "flat sprite". If that's the look you're going for, you can keep it like this. But if you want something more "detailed" or nicer looking, you might want to add more shadows/highlights.
Also if the black things on the hands are supposed to be guns, you might want to make them a bit longer, because now they look more like gloves.
I'd also have the belt a bit higher on the sides (or lower in the middle), to give it more depth
Work in some shadow. Back of the brim, underneath the lifed arm.
You can also use gradients for more depth. You can also ease up on the outline some places.
I am unsure if those are gloves or guns. If the former, then hold farther in. If the latter, than aim from the eye.
Putting the belt that low, makes it look like asitting pose.
I find it unlikely that someone would dress up in all the same colour. A lighter shirt would do wonders.
Picture 3 drops a pixel out of the boot height.
Add more movement to the transition from one stance to the other, it is very twitchy now,
for example the gun moves just a-b.
Get some movement into the clothes and hat.
Overall very good, i like the beard.

Oh man, that's quite the list. Wasn't expecting "very good" at the end of it.

Didn't realize my guns were that ambiguous either. I'll definitely work on it.
C64 has 3 colour sprites and those have double width pixels. So I think the amount of colours used is great! but if I would have to use it in a C64 game I'd have to use a couple of sprites over each other to make this look like intended (outline/black as a single colour sprite overlay) in which case you would have one more colour to choose from for the underlying colour-fill sprite.
Indeed the guns could use a little longer barrels but I think you did a very good job on the characterisation with the use of so little pixels!

Can you make him walk down and up too? I might get inspired to start coding a cowboy shooter! :D
Hey guys, I upgraded my cowboy sprite to eighty by eighty pixels for a project I'm working on. Any thoughts?
Yeah, I know it's not as good as before, but it fits the art style I'm going with for my project, and everyone knows having an ugly consistent art style is more important than just throwing a buncha good looking sprites together.
Why not go procedural? You can still make your images in 8x8 or 10x10 then using imagemagick (available on Linux, Windows and Mac) to resize them, using a single color pallet or things like that.
It will help keeping a consistent blockyness you find in retrogames.

If you want, did some spriting in Sphere (Game Engine). I made a naked sprite, and then sprites with only clothes/eyes/hat/boots/pants. With a colormatrix you then could transform colors of the clothes and put them on top of the sprite. While using alpha 255 for on top and 254 for below the sprite, if something beneath it was already there.

Look at this image, from Ceres (Final Fantasy III - SNES). The blue boots are overlayed with a colormatrix which makes them brown and the red chestplate is put on top.

You can download the spritefactory and also need sphereEditor from SourceForge. V 1.5 for windows (works under Wine, but not that well). As for the engine, it forked and minisphere compiles under linux (and I really need to bite the bullet and try out compiling it on the Pandora, but I've been saying that for years...)
It looks like he's missing his left arm, and two right hands. I made a quick edit


  • quickedit.png
    592 bytes · Views: 509
to me, I now see the ninja swiping his arms from left to right... and I actually like the rayman style (no arms, just ball-hands)... and the pointy/padded shoulders.
Well, um, it's been a while, but I was working on code for my project mostly. Today I upgraded my ninja to 80 by 80 pixels though.

Edit: Made my first enemy too, affectionately called "Peanut Slime".
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Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

(That's why Emacs still has no kitchen sink yet, though some builds have an icon).