Does Anyone Here Have Star Ocean 3?


Still Fresh
Aug 31, 2004
Rhode Island, USA
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Star Ocean is one of the best RPG series I have played. It all started with Star Ocean for SNES that was only released in Japan, but you can find a translation somewhere online. Star Ocean: The Second Story was the 2nd installment of the series, and that was for PSONE, and even beter than the first. Now there is Star Ocean: Till the End of Time for PS2. It just came out a few days ago on Sept 1st. I had my copy reserved, and I picked it up the day it came out. I am a little over 8 hours into the game, and I must say it is a great RPG. One of the best RPGs I've played in a while. The battle system is unique, and new features have been implemented since the 2nd SO(such as battle trophies, and chain attacks). I recommend this game to anyone who loves RPGs. It is a 2 DVD set, so I am assuming it's gonna be long game. I haven't seen any PS2 game on 2 cds(except for ones that come with a DVD video or something). So has anyone else gotten this game? What do you think of the game so far?
That's a lie, FFX was a piece of crap.

Edit : For me this is not one of those occasions where I just don't like a game but can see why others do. FFX has so little gameplay, requires next to no skill to beat and has some terribly annoying voice actors. It could only be saved by its storyline which I didn't like. So even if you do really like the storyline it doesn't make it a good game ... but perhaps an enjoyable experience.
The Star Ocean series of games were developed by Tri-Ace and published by Enix. Star Ocean 3 was, of course, published by Square-Enix. The Final Fantasy series of games were published AND developed by Squaresoft (now Square-Enix), so you can't compare Star Ocean to Final Fantasy because they have seperate developers.

I actually like Tri-Ace games more then most Squaresoft games, I had sooo much fun with Star Ocean 2. I never bought Star Ocean 3 for the sole reason of not having any time to play it, and knowing it would suck up all my time if I attempted ^^;

All of the Tri-Ace games have intricate plots with a large amount of character development (in fact, character development is one of the keys to the Star Ocean games).

Another very, very good Tri-Ace game:
Valkyrie Profile (hidden SO2 cross-over!)

Edit : For me this is not one of those occasions where I just don't like a game but can see why others do. FFX has so little gameplay, requires next to no skill to beat and has some terribly annoying voice actors. It could only be saved by its storyline which I didn't like. So even if you do really like the storyline it doesn't make it a good game ... but perhaps an enjoyable experience.

Ever since FF3 NES, in my opinion, FF games got easier and easier until it was a breeze to walk through. Then came the "low-level" walkthroughs, which actually made it semi-difficult again :P Yeah, I killed Kefka at level 6 using 1000 Ultimas!
sam fisher posted on Sep 4 2004 at 11:19 PM said:
oh well. Front mission 3 is the best game ever. The reason I still have my PS2.

Front Mission 4 ps2 and 3 ps1. I got the Ocean nice combat system. At the end of it all its just ur regular rpg.
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Yeah, there is a big difference between Tri-Ace and Squaresoft games. I didn't like FFX, and I am hoping that whenever FFXII comes out that it is better. Star Ocean 2 is awsome, I am playing it for a second time through. But Star Ocean 3 is well worth the $50, to me anyway. The model movement during cut scenes seems wierd at first, but you get used to it. And it has alot of voice acting, which is better than reading everything. The thing that I find cool in the Star Ocean games, is that the battle system is so much different than you find in other RPGs. The story pulls you in, and before you know it you've been playing the game for hours without stopping
Star Ocean 2 is awsome, I am playing it for a second time through. But Star Ocean 3 is well worth the $50, to me anyway.

Bah only second time? Actually Star Ocean 2 is absurdly easy if you know the tricks, but go up to Universe mode and those tricks become QUITE necessary. For instance, when Dias fights by himself in the Tournement (before fighting Claude), he actually loses to the enemies sometimes they are so much stronger! Try going to the Cave of Trials and fighting the last boss...I never could beat him after CoT powers him up, all his attacks do 9999 damage!