Anyone having trouble with Nintendo emulators? Also Quake


Jan 11, 2010
I've been having a pain trying to get my NES and SNES emulators to work... the SNES ones (both the of ones I could find) had no sound, and the NES ones either run too slow or don't save, does anyone know about this? I really would love to play through the Final Fantasy series again, on my Pandora :)

And also, does anyone know if there's a way I can avoid using that silly Picklelauncher program with games like Quake? I'd rather just shove the Quake game files into the program's directory than muck around trying to figure out a menu system that seems devoid of any sort of intelligence.
gpFCE and SNES9x4p are working fine for me. Sound and save states. Try installing the codec pack like SONY suggested and make sure you have the latest versions of the PND at

Also make sure there isn at an application in the background tying up the sound.

Dunno about the quake issue; haven't bothered with any FPSs yet... I think I'll do that now... Off to install Quake 1 and 2.

Edit: Was unable to get Quake to work... I put the .PAK files into /media/sd/pandora/appdata/quake1/id1 but pickle launcher just closes and reopens when I select it. I don't seem to be able to open the folder to choose a .PAK specifically either... Oh well, I'll fiddle with it more tomorrow.
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Re: quake and picklelauncher. Here's what I did to get it going

1) put zquake.pnd in <sd card>/pandora/menu

2) run it once then quit.  This creates <sd card>/pandora/appdata/quake1

3) made an 'id1' directory in <sd card>/pandora/appdata/quake1

4) copied pak files into id1

5) ran the pnd again.  It now showed 'id1'.  Pressing the select button ran the game.

It seems like it works with directories than pak files directly, so just pressing select when id1 is highlighted is enough.

It might seem complicated, but I can imagine picklelauncher really comes into its own if you've got loads of mods and expansions. I did try and it is possible to circumvent picklelauncher, but it's way more convoluted than just running it is!
^When I do that it closes picklelauncher for a couple of seconds, but then opens it right back up. Dunno what the problem is. I'll fiddle with it more when I care/am bored.
When you're next in the mood ;) (or for anyone else having difficulty), it's not a case sensitivity issue is it? I noticed you referred to PAK files whereas I've got pak files (like pak0.pak). I got the shareware one from here
Wow... renaming them to all lower- instead of uppercase did the trick... That's silly, they were capatalized when I got 'em and it ran fine on my laptop. Hmm.. Thanks ;)
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Haha, I actually thought that they weren't case sensitive. :D

Well, they really should be, since the filesystem is; the extension is ".pak" not ".PAK"; as far as the filesystem and operating system goes, the two are completely different strings of completely different bytes. If it's ".PAK" it might as well be ".PeNiSVaGiAnteNemYCRAb", it's not going to match ".pak" on a bitwise level.

Any conversion by the program itself to lowercase/uppercase is honestly just a hack. That said, an option (with a warning) to accept alternate extensions wouldn't hurt anyone.