Add-Ons For Quake On Wiz?


Still Fresh
Aug 7, 2011
GA/OH/NC/SC/VA/WV I'm pretty big on the whole Quake,Quake2,HeXen,HeXen2,and etc. FPS Games from iD Sofware. Just one extra thing is that I remember back before I had a GP2X Wiz..there was a Add-On for Quake called "X-MEN: Ravages of Apocalypse" and I figured I could maybe place certain Files in Folders to make make my Wiz Quake have that X-MEN Add-On look and feel. I have at 1st put the .Pak Files in the "id1" Folder in which it overwritten the already existing ones.,so I started it up and it Booted up like it worked..but I got Booted back out to my Wiz Menu. I then took them out and replaced the "id" Folder's Original .Pak Files with an Original Copy just in case.
So what I'd like to know is it possible to make this X-MEN Add-On for Quake that Originally ran on PC to also work on Wiz in Compatibility with the Wiz Quake?
I also enjoy making new stuff for all those games using that leads me to wonder if those Levels and other things I Create with the Editor will also run on Wiz Quake and all the other Wiz Ports of FPS iD Games?
I sure hope this does sound to Complicating to anyone..but would like to know if it's possible and if anyone has tried doing so. I've heard so much about Pickle and what all he's done for the Wiz..maybe he'll be the best of help on this since he helped create this Port from what I understand. I'll take any and all Advice and Info to this matter needed. I'm sure it'll be useful in helping other expand the Games more like they once did on PC too with the Add-Ons
RULLUR said:
I have at 1st put the .Pak Files in the "id1" Folder in which it overwritten the already existing ones.,so I started it up and it Booted up like it worked..but I got Booted back out to my Wiz Menu. I then took them out and replaced the "id" Folder's Original .Pak Files with an Original Copy just in case.

My first guess is that the pak uses too much memory, the wiz was pretty low 64 mb, 13 mb is reserved for the gpu. You can try using a -m32 in the gpe command line if not there already.
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Pickle said:
RULLUR said:
I have at 1st put the .Pak Files in the "id1" Folder in which it overwritten the already existing ones.,so I started it up and it Booted up like it worked..but I got Booted back out to my Wiz Menu. I then took them out and replaced the "id" Folder's Original .Pak Files with an Original Copy just in case.

My first guess is that the pak uses too much memory, the wiz was pretty low 64 mb, 13 mb is reserved for the gpu. You can try using a -m32 in the gpe command line if not there already.

Hmm..okay thanks Pickle. So glad to hear from you're like such a Legend Ha!Ha!Ha! But anyway..I'm pretty literate of things..but what's a "-m32" and how do I go of all that? That part is like way over my Head..sorry
Is it something I have to go in with NotePad and do with changes in Numbers and all that?
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RULLUR said:
Pickle said:
RULLUR said:
I have at 1st put the .Pak Files in the "id1" Folder in which it overwritten the already existing ones.,so I started it up and it Booted up like it worked..but I got Booted back out to my Wiz Menu. I then took them out and replaced the "id" Folder's Original .Pak Files with an Original Copy just in case.

My first guess is that the pak uses too much memory, the wiz was pretty low 64 mb, 13 mb is reserved for the gpu. You can try using a -m32 in the gpe command line if not there already.

Hmm..okay thanks Pickle. So glad to hear from you're like such a Legend Ha!Ha!Ha! But anyway..I'm pretty literate of things..but what's a "-m32" and how do I go of all that? That part is like way over my Head..sorry
Is it something I have to go in with NotePad and do with changes in Numbers and all that?

the gpe file is just a shell script, open it in any file editor (except windows notepad) and look for ./glquake. Put a -m32 after the ./glquake like: ./glquake -m32
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Hmm..okay so I went in and did that to both the glquake.gpe and the quake.gpe that's also known as tyr-sdlquake too. The glquake just has a Froze up "Loading" Screen like the NeoGeo Emulator does..and the tyr-sdlquake just goes totally Black. I think at one time of another I used to get glquake to work..but all it does now is boot me out. The tyr-sdlquake works very well though. after going in to redo the Command Lines and having this happen..what's next as an Option? Do you think the .pak wasn't placed correctly in the right Folders or something? X-MEN:Ravages of Apocalypse kinda has it's own Launcher that you Click on to make it Run when on PC..and you get to Select the different Types of Quake to use with it. So I don't know if this is gonna make it trickier to just place the .pak Files in Folders and all so simply as other Add-Ons may do..isn't it?
I just went back to it after I put the .gpe back to Normal..and I went in with the quake.gpe and it Booted up and out kinda fast..I had to try Video Recording it..and it mentioned alot about the Sounds in possibly the .wav format. I tried again going in again to try Reading it and different stuff Scrolled up the Screen that time and..I think it was something of an Auto Exec..but then the Screen Glitched over as if I turned the Wiz off during the Middle of an Emulated Game. So it's getting a bit more frustrating to me of all this. Not sure if you ever Played this Particular Add-On and/or even saw what kinda Files it used to kinda help make this happen alot more smoothly in process.
I have never tried this addon or many others.
One other thing you can do is add a &> output.txt, for example "./glquake -m32 &> output.txt"
That will log the output to a file you can look at afterward to debug what went wrong. I did that and just got a Black Screen for the quake.gpe and I even went to make a Copy to the quake.gpe and put it in to the xmen Folder where the add-on is located..then I went into the Command Line and made it out like the armagon.gpe's Command Line looked..except it now says "xmen" wherever "armagon" would be. When I started it up..the xmen.gpe just came up as a Froze "Loading" Screen. So after all that..there's not much telling me what it being missed. I really kinda wish I knew more Linux Codes than the little I'm figuring out..maybe that'll help solve this even more too.
I really would like to try making this Add-On possible for others to use on the Wiz..especially since it's a really Cool X-MEN one at that. I think I'm just gonna have to try another Add-On and see how that comes along..I'm sure that'll be more simpler as them only being a File without a Launcher Program like the X-MEN one does.

I also forgot to mention that I placed all the xmen Folder contents into the armagon Folder while the id1 Folder had all the Regular Quake .pak and other stuff back in it..the Result of that was it Booting up in the X-MEN Add-On but then Booting me back to the Wiz Menu once again