Anyone Got Theirs Yet??-gp2x

craig said everyone gets theirs this month, i assume that gp32zs wil arrive there sometime shortly after the eleveth and be here at my house sometime shortly thereafter
You may start to recieve confirmation of shipping soon, however due to the number of orders it will not nessessarly mean it will ship that day (likely the day after).

Everything seems to be fine now, although testing is still on going, you may have to update the firmware if any bugs are found. But this is the fun of a handheld with the budget of orange peel and shoe string!

Aw, when I saw Craig had the most recent reply I thought there was a update. Pity.

Estimate on shipping time for US folks, Craig? I'm thinking about a week, maybe ten days straight.
Ordered mine from gbax and was told I would be on the first shipment but they were most likely out of both bag+headphones, but they were hoping to include one or the other.....'s to hoping I receive mine ASAP with at least the carrying case...but oh my would I love to get the headphones too! Too bad the TV cable wasn't included. I think it cost me about $225 with shipping (put on flame retardant gear) which is about $50 more than the PSP costs me working at Gamestop.
Ordered mine from gbax and was told I would be on the first shipment but they were most likely out of both bag+headphones, but they were hoping to include one or the other.....'s to hoping I receive mine ASAP with at least the carrying case...but oh my would I love to get the headphones too! Too bad the TV cable wasn't included. I think it cost me about $225 with shipping (put on flame retardant gear) which is about $50 more than the PSP costs me working at Gamestop.

Will gamestop have any X360 left to sell?
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Ordered mine from gbax and was told I would be on the first shipment but they were most likely out of both bag+headphones, but they were hoping to include one or the other.....'s to hoping I receive mine ASAP with at least the carrying case...but oh my would I love to get the headphones too!  Too bad the TV cable wasn't included.  I think it cost me about $225 with shipping (put on flame retardant gear) which is about $50 more than the PSP costs me working at Gamestop.

Will gamestop have any X360 left to sell?


Can't believe M$ can only distribute 50,000 X360's to UK. Not going to get one for Christmas at this rate. There is suppose to be another batch around 20th December, but due to the first orders not being met, the remaining orders must first be fulfilled. I even doubt that this second batch will complete the first orders.


Still at least I will have my GP2X to use in the mean time :)
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Will gamestop have any X360 left to sell?

Speaking concerning America...not for a long time...and that depends on how fast Microsoft starts shipping them, which isn't looking good.
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plus they are sending a rediculously small ammount out to retailers, most gamestops and whatever are only getting 10-20 units when they might have 90 preorders!
Unless he is talking about the xbox2, which will sell quite nicely on ebay once the ones in shop are sold out. :)