Pandora Defense Squad
Well, should I put things back in or just leave it the way it is?'MDave' said:stop taking things out
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Well, should I put things back in or just leave it the way it is?'MDave' said:stop taking things out
well, i guess so, because ninjamonkey's threads are usually closed within a few days'Phawx' said:So this one has replaced the Halo thread, than?
every social-game/network is nerdy, indeed, but who cares'fade' said:WoW IS NOT NERDY!
'paolo' said:every social-game/network is nerdy, indeed, but who cares'fade' said:WoW IS NOT NERDY!
Anyway, I'm loosing interest as well. I'm a first batch preorderer, and expected this ppc by christmast at worst, but now I know I wont see it until this autumn being lucky, let's just be realistic.
Now I bought an Omnia (a nice windows ppc phone with more connectivity and storage than pandora), and I'm not so sure that the pandora will be that amazing when shipping will start. I'm also waiting for the shipment of my new car, and it's the 42nd day of waiting (and waiting for a new car when your 12-years old one is tearing apart is more soul consuming, believe me!)
But hey, I'm not saying it is a failure already (I still think the pandora would be a cool pocket pc, eventually), just that I think one has many interests in his life so the enthusiasm for this project has frozen since months!
I agree with the thread starter ^_O, we'll talk again when we'll see this handheld in our hands, eventually
Autumn? why? i'm almost certian now i'll have it late april / early may. there's so little left to do.
I'd contact MS if Asus won't do it. They have to allow you to reject the license otherwise it isn't valid. Which means a full refund for whatever portion of the cost of the license was.'Xisiqomelir' said:I got an eee PC 1002HA for my birthday. Removed winblows and now fighting with ASUS for my M$ tax refund.
# rmmod pcspkr'lulzfish' said:System beeps are when your computer decides something is so important that it has to bypass your regular sound system and activate the horrible embedded buzzer on your system board.
It has no volume control, no external switch, nothing.
And some default Linux installations [I think Ubuntu is finally getting away from it] will activate the system beep for no fucking reason at all, like if you try to backspace an empty text field. Or if your computer is shutting down or some fucking minute thing like that, it will make this loudass beep.
'paolo' said:every social-game/network is nerdy, indeed, but who cares'fade' said:WoW IS NOT NERDY!
Fade, if WoW is not nerdy, then, well, what is?
Paolo hit it on the head though, does anyone care about what is nerdy and what is not past the age of 16?