Pandora Bluetooth Fun


Sep 22, 2009
Sheffield, UK
So, I'm quite good with Linux (it's my $dayjob), but I have a question about bluetooth and the pandora, which I assume would be the same with any Linux, but would like to know.

I have an iPhone, but once my Pandora arrives I plan on using that to play my music as well. My headphones for my iPhone also have a mic, so my ideal situation would be that I can answer the calls from my iphone on the pandora by using it almost as a bluetooth headset (and I plug my headphones/mic into the pandora instead of the iphone).

Has anyone though about doing it this way before?

- Gricey
no, but i am now ;D

you'd obviously need to write a little program to handle answering calls & passing the audio to & fro however, as well as a BT profile for the pandora so it is recognized as a remote/headset/whatever.

I'd love to do the same thing, I can't wait to have internet anywhere WITH A REAL GODDAMN KEYPAD & ACCURATE TOUCH-SCREEN thru tethering the panda with my iphone, this'd be icing on the cake.
I've looked into it a bit, and it looks like this is one of the features that will pop up as an easy-as-π thing when BlueZ finishes pulse integration
Gricey said:
Has anyone though about doing it this way before?
Yes, and I even found some open source software that would allow your bluetooth enabled PC to dial your phone and send text messages, so you could literally do everything from the Pandora and just leave your phone somewhere conveniently close.
I don't have a link for that software anymore, but I'm sure I could find it again. I'm just being lazy; until I get my Pandora, there's no point in getting it :P
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