Iphone Tethering On Pandora?


Still Fresh
Oct 26, 2009
Hello, Im a proud member of the First Batch army :P from Spain, greetings to everyone! ;)

I have an iPhone 3G , and I use it as a 3G USB modem on my laptop... Will it be possible to use it on Pandora, throught the USB Hosts? I need to install iTunes and drivers on Windows to be able to use the iPhone as a modem, so it might not work on linux...

Thanks in advance ;)

PD: Anyone from Spain? :D
Here in the UK, you're not officially allowed to tether the iphone on O2. Not sure if that's different on the other networks that are starting to offer the iphone here.

That restrictions was one of many things that made me decide to jailbreak my phone. I can now tether it with my laptop using PDAnet, which can be installed through Cydia. Once you've got PDAnet installed, you just need to set up an ad hoc network on the computer, then join the network on the iphone to share the iphone's internet connection. So as long as the Pandora can do adhoc wifi networking (not something I've seen an answer on yet, but I've not looked hard), I'll be happy.
barnesy said:
Here in the UK, you're not officially allowed to tether the iphone on O2. Not sure if that's different on the other networks that are starting to offer the iphone here.

That changed with iPhone software 3.0 a while back:


The problem is now, they want you to pay silly rates for it.

barnesy said:
That restrictions was one of many things that made me decide to jailbreak my phone. I can now tether it with my laptop using PDAnet, which can be installed through Cydia. Once you've got PDAnet installed, you just need to set up an ad hoc network on the computer, then join the network on the iphone to share the iphone's internet connection. So as long as the Pandora can do adhoc wifi networking (not something I've seen an answer on yet, but I've not looked hard), I'll be happy.

I went the same route and jailbroke my phone some time ago (and bought PDANet). Since 3.0 though, its quite easy to circumvent the O2 wrapper around having to pay for tethering. See the way it works is the tethering menu in the phone is locked by default, but only because it has no settings (remember WAP profiles? it's like that). So when you pay O2, they send you an SMS with the settings in and it unlocks the menu.

There are a few guides on the net, basically BenM has made a page you can visit that sends you the right settings, for O2 select 'O2 Vertigo':


The "real" apple tethering for me works much better than the PDANet stuff (especially in bad signal areas) so I uninstalled PDANet, even though I paid for it.

Considering unbreaking my phone next big update as that's the only reason I did it and the phone does get cruftier and slower the more crap I put on it (because I can).

Anyway, onto original subject, I will tether it, though the standard iPhone tethering is bluetooth so probably not quite as easy to do as the PDAnet route (but that is paid software if you dont already have it).
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barnesy said:
So as long as the Pandora can do adhoc wifi networking (not something I've seen an answer on yet, but I've not looked hard), I'll be happy.

The WiFi chip in the Pandora is the same as the one in the HTC Dream, right? At least I remember reading it used the exact same driver from TI.

The HTC Dream does support Ad Hoc, so the Pandora should as well.
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