Anyone Else Here Losing Interest?

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'Exophase' said:
I can understand losing interest in Pandora, but for iPhone? Come on :(

iPhone is totally unsuitable for a huge chunk of what Pandora can do.
Think of it more as a diversion.
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It's like a roller coaster for me. my interest goes up and down. right now im pretty excited, especially knowing that ill probably have my hands on it in just about 2 months
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Phawx said:

An excellent suggestion to help pass the time, because Lord knows there won't be enough time once the Pandora is released.
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I had a lull in January, but I'm in top gear now. Getting involved has helped to keep me hyped. The community blog, Pandora Panic, stuff like that. (Playing PP for the first time was sweeeet!) Also, I just got my Three broadband fired up today. Right now it's allowing me to bypass the work filter and post here. When Pandora arrives, I'm fully mobile baby. (I don't own a laptop or smartphone, so Pandora is it).

People can talk all they want about competition appearing, but there still isn't a device on the horizon that checks all the boxes Pandora does. We're about to see the CNC, fire up ya mongrels.
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darn, i was considering this thread a joke, but i see it is getting a turn for the serious. ok, ill bite.

i have not lost interest in the pandora because i need it for certain things, and as long as there is nothing else on the market remotely close meeting those needs, i have not lost one bit of interest. heck, if anything, i have become more impatient.

before anybody asks, for me the pandora will be my mobile graphics R&D station - capable of self-hosted GL (with shaders!) development, and sitting in my pocket/backpack, right next to my ds (abused daily) and psp (frankly, the latter is being more often battery-dead than being useful, but the occasional lua while on the bus is somewhat fun, albeit masochistic). and yes, i also keep an ipod touch in my pocket, but that one is neither good for development on the go (read: does not do it), nor has the stellar games of the ds (albeit, that is changing rapidly - i already have 4x 5USD "high-tier" iphone games, and they are all worth every cent), but browser-wise and media-player wise the ipod touch is ace.

so, as you see, despite my current 3x handhelds i carry with me these days (yes, i am always with a backpack), none of them meets the needs the pandora does. moreover, nothing currently on the market does it either. so no - my interest has not dropped one bit.
'PoisonedV' said:
It's like a roller coaster for me. my interest goes up and down. right now im pretty excited, especially knowing that ill probably have my hands on it in just about 2 months
I keep telling myself that too! Keeps my interest at a stable level!
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I often lose interest in things I already own - but I do not own a Pandora :p
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The steady influx of updates on the Community blog really helps me out. That and my hatred to (almost) all things apple.
The point of wanting something is if you dont have something that replaces what you want. If you getsomething that isnt what you want you just continue to want it. I dont have what I want from the Pandora yet, and I dont see anything in the near future being released for a similar price that offers me the same thing at a similar level of potential quality that wouldnt require me to wait just as long.

Sure I could want for a new smart phone to come out that has some of the features I want but they arnt being released before the 2nd half of the year. I have both portable game systems but neither are very good for anything other than they games they natively play so most of the retro games I want to play are out. I have an old GP2X but even though it can play many games there are many that it dosent play well and it lacks functionality specific to having a keyboard and access to apps that use it.

So sure I could lug around 4 seperate devices to do all I want and it still not have what I want, wait for an expensive device that doesnt do all I want or wait for a Pandora... I think I'll wait for my pandora, thanks.
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I've been meaning to make a picture / diagram / Theora video / YouTube video for a while now of how many devices I own that will become obsolete the day I receive a Pandora, but I'm just too lazy.

Maybe I'll do that tonight as a prelude to finishing that English paper.
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I'm still excited about eventually getting the Pandora, but keeping myself occupied elsewhere while trying not to think too much about it since it may be still be as much as a couple months til I or anyone else gets it. The end of winter is finally in sight here in the midwest US, so that definitely helps.
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I was VERY excited in September, slumped around christmas and reasonably excited now because we have a sort of deadline period that may or may not be... but anyways, no interest lost!
I haven't lost interest, because I remind myself each time I go in doubt, there's going to be apps and games on it that other handhelds can only dream of doing :) Quake 3 and Firefox. No longer fighting against the limitations of the PSP, or DS. It's going to be like a breath of fresh air. And deving on the go sounds too damn good.
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'MDave' said:
deving on the go sounds too damn good.
I agree. I've installed git recently, and it's on my list of things to install on the Pandora. With git, sshfs, and a wireless connection, development will be all kinds of awesome. Especially since I can run any command-line, GTK, Qt, or to some extent, OpenGL-based program on both systems.

It's like a tiny version of my laptop.
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I've not lost interest, I just keep reminding myself that the Pandora won't be as limited as the PSP for reading comics while listening to music or surfing the web and I'm happy.
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I won't let myself lose interest... I've already paid 350$ :D
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I egged them on when they first started half joking about making the Craiginator.
I gave them feed back when they asked what hardware features the device should have.
I paid my money when I found out that they were including all the features I asked for (even though I'm unemployed and skint).
Why the hell would I be loosing interest :blink:

Not gunna happen :D
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I tell you: I've not lost interest, but I'm going nuts and depressed. The point is: I'm one of the last in the queue (estimated 3500-3700). The mould for the case will need 35 days to produce. We need CE testing done before, so we get a min 40 days total before the first one. Plus at least one week for delivering mine. It's gonna be more than 3 months wait for me. And I was hoping for getting it "soon" after the xmas holidays... :(

If I could have it unassembled, I would really like to get one ASAP. I don't want to wait because i will have more stuff going on with my university in about 2-3 months. I mean: I will not be able to do anything fun with that (I was thinking about a little project involving Pandora and Arduino board, plus porting a little game engine on the Panda) :(

I'm so sad about it. :( Can anyone please help me up?
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