Anyone else getting worried about helix/PSP/other?


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
OPEN SOURCE! What other handheld out there let's you dev almost out of the box without buying outrageously expensive dev kits? And what other handheld let's you play emus of classics without the company who makes the handheld acting all shocked and appauled? What other handheld can get even MORE functionality from official or amatuer devved programs? The Answer? NONE! Gp32 still reigns supreme in the open sourced world ^_^ So don't worry about the other handhelds, you can buy em and play with em along side GP32 if you want without freaking out and thinking GP32 is gonna 'die' (Besides, they aren't releaseing these handhelds in south korea :p so GP32 is COMPLETELY safe)
Most people who develop on the GP32 don't use expensive SDK's but free ones.

Besides when these handhelds are available they will have some 'Major' catching up to do :)

Hopefully there WILL be a GP64 released that will be backwards compatible
I haven't been able to find any information on Sony's handheld..

The Helix sounds pretty cool.. very cool. 320x480 res, 16-bit, ATI graphics chip, FatHammer 3D, ARM9 (does that does floating point?), Yamaha audio, bluetooth, SD expansion (radio, mp3, still images, video clips, digital camera, etc..), dual lithium batteries built in. Not surprisingly though, all that is going to come at a price, and most likely a fairly high one. The fact that it most likely won't be open sourced really limits it for me too. Time will tell I suppose, but with the limited cash I have, I can't see myself dropping money on it.
Plus all helix has got going for it so far is nothing but extreme vaugeness... It shows these screens of LICENSED games such as tony hawk and spy hunter, but it doesn't show the handheld itself, or the games running on it, and funny how at E3 (the biggest game show EVER) they NEVER show the actual handheld and just show a vauge video...
The only other handheld that looks semi-promising is B'ngo (Again, from korea none-the-less (Japan and the USA has got some catching up to doooooooooo........) but I don't like it due to the smaller screen, and the seemingly slow screen frame rate...
Other than gp32, I think the helix is cool. Wont do as good as PSP because of sonys strong following though. I wonder what nintendo thinks of all this? Ill bet they arent even worried at all.

OK, so does anyone else know of anymore handhelds comming out?
Um I think the B'ngo is made in the UK(freeON is korean), and it has a free sdk plus a mmc card slot. MMC cards are like 20 dollars more then smc cards though :C
GP32 has another major, major advantage over all of those other handhelds.

It exists.

I'll worry about the others when they hit store shelves.
Correct\forgive me if i'm wrong but didn't one article (I can't remember which one tho) say that the company producing the helix had some kind of a relationship with a company in (I'm pretty sure) Korea. arm9, 320X240 lcd, all to familiar... ;)
I agree the GP32 is THE open source portable right now. The PSP won't be the same. But the Helix should be just as open to development as GP32. Anyone can develop for PalmOS, and Helix uses SD cards which are much like SMC only smaller and higher capacities are available.

I don't regret my GP32 at all, but I do think the Helix could be better if it turns out the way I'm hoping it will.

Besides, for now, the Helix, PSP etc. are just vaporware until proven otherwise. GP32 is very real tho. :)