Any way I could help?


Jul 17, 2013
Qc, Canada
Hi guys.

Haven't been active on the forum lately but I'm always keeping an eye on the Pandora and the Pyra.

I'm a software developer by trade with an extensive background in Linux development. I can code fluently in C/C++, Python and Bash but can adapt to pretty much any language. I've written applications as well as driver code.

I'm wondering if there is something I could do to help Pyra development. I don't have a Pandora but I can setup a cross-compile environment.

I have limited free time, but I won't know if I can help until someone tells we what there is to do.

So keep up the good work all. And if you think I can help, I'll try my best to.
Well, right now, people experienced setting up an automatic Debian build-server are mostly needed :)

And low-level hackers, as we need to make use of the hardware functions of the OMAP5.
Cool thanks for the links.

I cannot say I'm experienced setting up a Debian build-server but I can take a look. I use Debian daily and know a bit about the structure of .deb files.

Where do I start?
Umm, I guess you should know that or know how to find it out to be qualified to do the job?

ED would host the build server I assume, but I would suggest if you don't have experience with it try it locally first and when you succeed you can still ask ED for credentials to the (v?)server the build server should go to and then set it up there.
Umm, I guess you should know that or know how to find it out to be qualified to do the job?

ED would host the build server I assume, but I would suggest if you don't have experience with it try it locally first and when you succeed you can still ask ED for credentials to the (v?)server the build server should go to and then set it up there.
I thought as much about the server.

I guess I wanted a bit more specifics about what they wanted.

An automatic Debian build server… A server building ARM .deb packages from upstream sources? Only conversions of the packages that were specific to the Pandora (like the optimized emulators)? The sentence could even mean "a build server for xyz using Debian as its OS". There's 2044 armhf packages in the Wheezy repos, I'm just looking for what would help the dev the most.

I didn't think there was a screening process for volunteers. Like you said, it is all gonna be done in my little isolated corner until it is deemed good enough, if ever. If answering questions is too much for you, I'm sorry to have bothered you.
Are you on IRC? That might be an effective way in, as some of the work is being coordinated there I understand. Be prepared to be ignored or shouted at by the trolls there (some of whom are also significant devs) until you show your ability (or even just hang around there long enough), but that's IRC for you.
On IRC, best talk to aTc, as he's currently the only one working on that debian server setup. We also got a mailing list, but not much is happening there yet.
Umm, I guess you should know that or know how to find it out to be qualified to do the job?

ED would host the build server I assume, but I would suggest if you don't have experience with it try it locally first and when you succeed you can still ask ED for credentials to the (v?)server the build server should go to and then set it up there.
 I thought as much about the server.

I guess I wanted a bit more specifics about what they wanted.

An automatic Debian build server… A server building ARM .deb packages from upstream sources? Only conversions of the packages that were specific to the Pandora (like the optimized emulators)? The sentence could even mean "a build server for xyz using Debian as its OS". There's 2044 armhf packages in the Wheezy repos, I'm just looking for what would help the dev the most.

I didn't think there was a screening process for volunteers. Like you said, it is all gonna be done in my little isolated corner until it is deemed good enough, if ever. If answering questions is too much for you, I'm sorry to have bothered you.
Sorry, I just didn't know what you were asking exactly, though I guess I could have guessed some of the specifics you now asked. There is no screening process, you are exactly right.But I shouldn't be trying to answer questions here anyway, go ask aTc, he knows what he's talking about. :-)
Thank you very much everyone. I think it's been 15 years since I installed an IRC client, hehe.

I'll go talk to aTc about the task at hand.
I hope not, pandian does about everything the wrong way.
I'm also interested in helping.

The main thing I could offer is integration into Debian proper, as I'm a Debian developer, and thus am familiar with how to get things done in Debian (and the patience to deal with how slow a process that can sometimes be), and can also upload package updates when appropriate. I've done some work to integrate support for the BeagleBone Black, Wandboard, and Cubox-i in Debian, so I know my way around Debian's armhf port.

I've also done some work packaging a patched version of Debian Wheezy's kernel with most of the pandora-3.2 kernel patches applied, and packaging up a few system tweaks (i.e. keymap), though none of that is feasible to get into Debian proper. I've been using an OpenPandora running Debian for little over a year now, and it's great.

So, I'd love to see support for the DragonBox Pyra integrated in Debian properly...
The more proper Debian we get into the Pyra, the better :)

We've got a mailing list setup and are currently working on setting up the basic system and creating a basic rootfs.

If you like, I can add you to the mailing list :)