Any Other Salvia Users?

satanic virus

Jun 2, 2007
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I only recently discovered Salvia.

I have had many substances in the past, most ilegal and I was not expecting much when I bought some salvia ...

Holy Shit! It is actually amazing :) I am using a small water pipe and a combination of regular dried salvia leaves and some 30x product.

This stuff is legal in most places & you should check it out if you want to take your mind elsewhere. If smoking, it only lasts a few minutes, however, your trip will seem like like much longer (years in some cases!!).

This is not an alternative to hash, the results are totally different. I see this as a major acid trip that only lasts for minutes, but can seem as long as you want when doing it! :)

Can be scary and you should have a sitter around if not used to it (i never did) but just wondering if any other users and what were your experiences?
sataniC Virus said:
I only recently discovered Salvia.

I have had many substances in the past, most ilegal and I was not expecting much when I bought some salvia ...

Holy Shit! It is actually amazing :) I am using a small water pipe and a combination of regular dried salvia leaves and some 30x product.

This stuff is legal in most places & you should check it out if you want to take your mind elsewhere. If smoking, it only lasts a few minutes, however, your trip will seem like like much longer (years in some cases!!).

This is not an alternative to hash, the results are totally different. I see this as a major acid trip that only lasts for minutes, but can seem as long as you want when doing it! :)

Can be scary and you should have a sitter around if not used to it (i never did) but just wondering if any other users and what were your experiences?
I've tried it several times & haven't ever had the effects people describe. Probably was just the quality of the stuff, gotta order some better stuff online when I get a chance. I've heard that if you have a bad trip it's REALLY bad, and most of my friends have had at least one really bad one.
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Username said:
How was it compared to other psychadellics?

Very good IMO - I have used it around 10 times now. Each time I have completely 'left this world' and being somewhere else. The first time I was on top of a castle watching a battle going on below! Hard to explain, but at the time it was real to me!

In the past using acid, I always found I knew I was on something, so was always aware whatever I was experiencing was not real. From Speed, I used to have no recollection but would wake up miles (literally) from where I had taken it! However, with 30x salvia, I have just gone somewhere else each time in my head.

I had one bad trip, which was thinking I was being crushed to death inside a glass rotating chamber - when I came down, I was rotating my glass multi sided water pipe in my hand ...

The most negative thing for me is the confusion when coming down - you struggle to know who you are, where, why etc. The whole thing really only lasts a few minutes, but I feel chilled out for hours after using it, and the actual trip can seem really long.

I have heard experiences can be changed listening to music, so I'll give that a go tonight. Better not listen to Deicide ... :)
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Don't smoke this shit, i tried it once and the trip felt really shallow and boring, also my lungs hurt like hell for the next month or so.

I guess the effect depends on the user, but for the sake of your respirational organs, at least don't smoke it. Make some tea or something. Also shrooms are superior.
This is an interesting thread. I've heard a lot about Salvia but never tried it.

Seems to be a mixed response from people, so I'm a bit weary. I'll probably just stick to my Mid and occasional Dank.

Using in a tea or cake like dope does not work - has to be smoked or chewed like ye ole western films ;)

Have had a few more trips since original post and seriosly this shit is like 'smoking acid' ..

Regular salvia leaves (6-8) in a bong will leave you confused, but add some extract and you will dissolve into whatever you were thinking about before.

I love my hash/ weed - whatever you call it from where you are from, but this is a completely different experience - basically mushrooms and acid rolled into one - beware if you smoke extract the effects occur in seconds - have a sitter around if possible.

Agree it is heavy on the lungs, but so is dope imho - funny how illegal shit dont come with filters ;)
I've tried it a few times and got no hit off it at all.

Acid is mad though. Ketamine can be quite trippy too. Good times.
you could also consider activecarbon filters, I've smoked pot out of those and the smoke is really really smooth. As for salvia, I've always considered it a bit too extreme to try, but maybe I'll change my mind (pun by accident) at some point.
Has anyone tried making poppy tea? Or 'milking' the poppies to get opium?

My garden is full of them and I'd like to get some use from them, I've read the tea is really good for chilling out and is obviously free :)
finty said:
I've tried it a few times and got no hit off it at all.

Acid is mad though. Ketamine can be quite trippy too. Good times.

That was my experience with salvia, too. Tried it back in high school and got nothing to show for it. I had a couple of friends who swore by it but nothing for me.

Acid is great, had some good times on that, but it's an intense trip. I find myself clenching my jaw the whole time, and I've wound up noticing sores inside my mouth from when I was biting down on my cheek for too long and too hard. The Turbo Ride Theatre at West Ed. was great, though. Shrooms are preferred for me, they give you most of the visual and auditory effects of acid, but it's a calmer high. Haven't done any of that stuff in ages, though, none of my friends are into it anymore and it's only really fun if you have a good group of people to trip out with and go on an adventure with. These days I just wind up at the pub more often than not and drink too much.
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craigix said:
Has anyone tried making poppy tea? Or 'milking' the poppies to get opium?

My garden is full of them and I'd like to get some use from them, I've read the tea is really good for chilling out and is obviously free :)
Free at first but the final price is as always, your soul, quite addictive, really no such thing as casual use, definitely not a good habit you want to get into.
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
sataniC Virus said:
Agree it is heavy on the lungs, but so is dope imho - funny how illegal shit dont come with filters ;)
This brings up a good point: can it be vaporized?

Never tried that (now googling vaporizers!) - I have read it can be done but can increase the potency (might not be a bad thing ..)

I see some people have not had many effects smoking salvia - I agree, if you just smoke salvia leaves, you will just get a little buzz.

I put 2-4 (crushed and dried) salvia leaves in my water bong and add a pinch of 30X extract - the pinch of extract makes a HUUUUUGGEE difference!! The extract is the difference between taking a trip and just having a mild buzz.

If you try salvia and don't get any effect, seriously add some extract and see how ye go from there. The most immediate effect is smoking in a bong or pipe - hold the smoke for as long as possible. When you are about to 'slip', take another long pull ...

You can also chew the leaves for half an hour btbh they taste horrible .. ;)
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klikklak said:
you could also consider activecarbon filters, I've smoked pot out of those and the smoke is really really smooth. As for salvia, I've always considered it a bit too extreme to try, but maybe I'll change my mind (pun by accident) at some point.
Agreed on the activated carbon filters, i use them all the time, but don't just buy any, the standard ones are shitty, they barely work and you get coal in your mouth. Use Tune ones.
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I just tried it today, mixed some 10x with an equal part of pot and smoked it through a pipe. I've got mixed feelings about it, the smoke was really harsh, and at first part of the high was scary, like I was trapped into it and couldn't get out. Then it was euphoric, a definite religious experience. Then I smoked some more pot and felt extremely nauseous, I spent a good half hour sitting on the floor of the bathroom.
I dunno, the whole thing felt like a very intense weed high, I might try some straight 20x with extract to see if I can get the whole tripping effect.