satanic virus
I only recently discovered Salvia.
I have had many substances in the past, most ilegal and I was not expecting much when I bought some salvia ...
Holy Shit! It is actually amazing
I am using a small water pipe and a combination of regular dried salvia leaves and some 30x product.
This stuff is legal in most places & you should check it out if you want to take your mind elsewhere. If smoking, it only lasts a few minutes, however, your trip will seem like like much longer (years in some cases!!).
This is not an alternative to hash, the results are totally different. I see this as a major acid trip that only lasts for minutes, but can seem as long as you want when doing it!
Can be scary and you should have a sitter around if not used to it (i never did) but just wondering if any other users and what were your experiences?
I have had many substances in the past, most ilegal and I was not expecting much when I bought some salvia ...
Holy Shit! It is actually amazing
This stuff is legal in most places & you should check it out if you want to take your mind elsewhere. If smoking, it only lasts a few minutes, however, your trip will seem like like much longer (years in some cases!!).
This is not an alternative to hash, the results are totally different. I see this as a major acid trip that only lasts for minutes, but can seem as long as you want when doing it!
Can be scary and you should have a sitter around if not used to it (i never did) but just wondering if any other users and what were your experiences?