Another Render (yeah... I Know...)

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Prophet said:
I personally have faith in DaveC.

And if the dpad is bad, DaveC has to personally visit every Pandora owner and fix it. And also mow our lawns.

So don't screw it up Dave! :P
Sounds good to me, takes about 3 or 4 hours to mow our lawn!
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I'm sure you all know that I was not a fan of the original renders, but this looks the dog's danglies, it really does (though I still think DaveC's original idea looks better!)

One question - will it be possible to swap out the white surrounds on the analog sticks? IMO white on black looks like a reversed panda, and the black on ED's second render looks much better. Any chance of users being able to swap them for nice looking black ones?

Dunny said:
I'm sure you all know that I was not a fan of the original renders, but this looks the dog's danglies, it really does (though I still think DaveC's original idea looks better!)

One question - will it be possible to swap out the white surrounds on the analog sticks? IMO white on black looks like a reversed panda, and the black on ED's second render looks much better. Any chance of users being able to swap them for nice looking black ones?

As far as I remember, the silver borders for the analog sticks are a piece of the part they ordered - they're not plastic pieces being put on by the Pandora team. This would mean that they're not (easily, if at all) removable/changeable.
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quartercast said:
Maybe someone will make a soft Nerf armor for this beastie *looks at Chad*
It's possible the DS Nerf ARmor will fit it, I'll test it with mine when Craig sends me my Pandora. :):):):)
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It looks really beautiful! God... I think I'll even take mine to bed, seriously ^^.

@chad78: I saw that portable NES you hacked up! That's a sweet piece of kit and really professionally done. I am looking forward to your GUI endeavours for the pandora!
atomicthumbs said:
Personally, I'd rather have black screws than have them covered.
Black screws will still scratch the other half of the case. Covering them up with rubber inserts can help prevent scratches and also keep both both slightly apart even when you snap it shut.
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xnopasaranx said:
@chad78: I saw that portable NES you hacked up! That's a sweet piece of kit and really professionally done. I am looking forward to your GUI endeavours for the pandora!
I cannot take credit for the NESp v3 - I just dugg it and blogged about it. I didn't make it. I wish I had. It was done by someone calling themselves "The Longhorn Engineer".

But, thanks for liking the GUI. :)
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Umm, not sure why noone mentioned it yet, but why is the headphone jack recessed?

Didn't that cause all sorts of trouble with the iPhone, to the point that there are "adaptors" (basically just short extension cables that have a plug that fits the iPhone) for it now?
Relax, there's plenty of space around the jack for most common headphones :)

It's not like the iPhone where only one jack in the whole world would fit ;)

(Didn't Apple do that on purpose so you only used Apple headphones?)
Changed the render on the first page again:

* Changed the height of the buttons
* Changed the material to be not as glossy :)
* Fixed the lower part of the unit (I squeezed it together too much... saw that when DaveC showed his original rendering :))
I know, this is the nittiest of nit-pickiery, but....

Why is it that *every* render - no matter who does it - always shows the SD Slot 1 and SD Slot 2 lights on and green - when there is *never* any SD card in them?

And the WiFi is always amber / yellow. Why can't the WiFi light be Green, and the SD slot lights off - or Red - or whatever color they'd be when the slots are empty?
chad78 said:
I know, this is the nittiest of nit-pickiery, but....

Why is it that *every* render - no matter who does it - always shows the SD Slot 1 and SD Slot 2 lights on and green - when there is *never* any SD card in them?

And the WiFi is always amber / yellow. Why can't the WiFi light be Green, and the SD slot lights off - or Red - or whatever color they'd be when the slots are empty?
The SD card lights are actually class IV laser diodes that shine directly into the eyes of the user
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How hard will it be to remove the SD cards? I'd imagine it would be rather difficult as there's no sort of indentions to grab hold of the edge of it.
atomicthumbs said:
The SD card lights are actually class IV laser diodes that shine directly into the eyes of the user
My Eyes! The goggles do nothing!!! :pandora1: :blink: :unsure: :huh: :rolleyes: :wacko: :ninja:
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Squidge said:
Relax, there's plenty of space around the jack for most common headphones :)

It's not like the iPhone where only one jack in the whole world would fit ;)

(Didn't Apple do that on purpose so you only used Apple headphones?)
Argh! I was about to measure it using the official dimensions (and Photoshop's measurement/analysis system) to make sure that my wider-than-normal headphones fit.

They don't fit in my GP2X due to the little recession there.

According to Photoshop, the nub is 0.564048 inches (14.3268192 millimeters) across.


Will this fit? If not, can I request a widening of the recession (a little recessed circle in relation to the rest of it) around the headphone socket?

Shiny said:
How hard will it be to remove the SD cards? I'd imagine it would be rather difficult as there's no sort of indentions to grab hold of the edge of it.
I assume they'll be the push-in-and-the-card-pops-out kind of socket.
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DaveC said:
It won't be like the DS pad. The original DS (phat) pad was terrible. It should be similar in feel to a SNES pad.
Wan't the snes Dpad all rubbery with terrible diagonals? That was my impression after playing a Street Fighter Alpha 2 cart on my friends snes.
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Giskard1708 said:
Wan't the snes Dpad all rubbery with terrible diagonals? That was my impression after playing a Street Fighter Alpha 2 cart on my friends snes.
SNES is still my favorite Dpad in the world, to be honest. It's possible your friend's was worn down or gunky since they really are quite old now.
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Holy damn, that is the best render I've seen to date.

Of course I got a problem with it though, namely the YBXA deal. Why not arrange them in SNES/DS fashion (clockwise from top: XABY) or Xbox/Dreamcast (clockwise from top: YBAX) order?
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