Another Ps3 Pricing Thread

OK, i get your point. But why do you want to buy a Wii then? Only for the retrogaming? I mean, if the Wiimote turns out to be, as you say, a "dud" then why should anyone buy a Wii and not a X360 or whatever? The retrogaming and (hopefully) the controller are the only benefits of the Wii. If the controller fails, Wii also fails.

I would want to buy a Wii for the games, not necessarily the retro. But i have wireless in my home so i can already take advantage of that out of the box, unlike the 360, but like i've said many times in many posts, i dont' have the imagination anymore to be waving around a stick like a retard, maybe if i was 7 again i could justify it, but i'm an adult and would rather sit and enjoy a game rather than flail my arms around like i'm having a seizure. Thats why i will absolutely not buy the Wii if i have to use the controller or if the controller requires any more than a flick or tilt to use.

I don't know about you guys, but i've seen the Nintendo promo videos they've released to show the wii, and i'm sorry but there's not one person in those video that didn't look like a complete idiot playing the wii, i'm sure they were grossly over exaggerating, but still, not one person looked "sane" while playing.
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Angel, I know we have already had the very same conversation quite some tiem ago, but I still don't get it. Why do you care how you look when you play a game? And why is the Wii remote so much more ridiculous than a joystick or a gamepad?

Yes, I know, you already told me, with the family and all you've become bitter. So there's really no need for me to bring it up again :D I suppose I'll just shup up now ;)
how old are you? i'm 26 almost 27. I've been playing video games since the days of the atari 2600. so you can imagine it would be hard for me to accept something completely and totally off the wall different.

When i'm playing video games, i'm usually playing them to relax, or am relaxing, sitting back in my rocker or on the couch. I don't want to be up jumping around, i don't want to be waving my arms around. I'm not a kid anymore, yes if i was 7 or 8 it would be different, but I am a more traditional gamer, i want to be stationary and relaxed, not flailing around like a retard on speed. But i'm sure when my kid gets to be 5 or 6 they will enjoy it.
I'm 22 and couldn`t care less how I look when I play video games.

I stil don't get your arguments (you're too lazy to move your arms is what it basically boils down to this time....) but I don't care either. This is your choice, keep doing your thing. I'm not going to force you to play and you're not going to force me to stop.
Also, we had this very same conversation some time ago with the same outcome ;)
I'm 22 and couldn`t care less how I look when I play video games.

I stil don't get your arguments (you're too lazy to move your arms is what it basically boils down to this time....) but I don't care either. This is your choice, keep doing your thing. I'm not going to force you to play and you're not going to force me to stop.
Also, we had this very same conversation some time ago with the same outcome ;)

I kinda feel the same as angel to be honest. I admit that one I of the clips I saw of some girls playing wario ware put me off to the title. One thing you really have to understand, though, is that these movements are completely exaggerated. from what I've read, people that have played the Wii said you move your hand in small increments, so I think it's far more subtle than you think.

But who knows, it's not out yet. The only way to really answer this is to play the damn thing
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how old are you? i'm 26 almost 27. I've been playing video games since the days of the atari 2600. so you can imagine it would be hard for me to accept something completely and totally off the wall different.

When i'm playing video games, i'm usually playing them to relax, or am relaxing, sitting back in my rocker or on the couch. I don't want to be up jumping around, i don't want to be waving my arms around. I'm not a kid anymore, yes if i was 7 or 8 it would be different, but I am a more traditional gamer, i want to be stationary and relaxed, not flailing around like a retard on speed. But i'm sure when my kid gets to be 5 or 6 they will enjoy it.

Um, PS3 or XB360?

Seriously, there is no point getting a wii if you wanna sit back and relax, Absolutely none. If you wanna have fun, don't mind looking a plonker, while burning off some cals at the same time, the wii is for you. If not, well you have two other good consoles to pick from.
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Seriously, there is no point getting a wii if you wanna sit back and relax, Absolutely none.

I was playing Grandia 3 for PS2, and that game is seriously 80% movies 20% games. I spent most of my time watching series of short movies one after the other. I don't understand why they didn't make it one long sequence, but it was weird to watch movies after movies.
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*imagines Angel having sex with his wife*

"Honey, i don´t want to move, i want it stationary and relaxed. Also i don´t want to be up moving around like a retard on speed. I´m not young anymore, yes if i was 17 or 18 it would be different..."
You dont have to wave your arm like in the trailers, you can just flick your wrist. Read the E3 reviews.
And just don't buy the games the require any dramatic motion. You still have Metroid Prime, which could be one of the most intuitive console FPS games ever, or Mario where you use the pointing function in gameplay. Or even ExciteTruck and Red Steel... Don't tell me you're against using the controller as a steering wheel or gun (both of which have been gaming staples since the NES days--it'll just be easier with the Wii). If you are against those, you're just being difficult.
lol sex and video games are entirely different things.. again lol.

plus if i want to burn calories, i'll just plug in the NES and the power pad and go to town, but then again, i have a dog i can walk if i want to burn calories. Gaming, i just want to relax.

And just don't buy the games the require any dramatic motion. You still have Metroid Prime, which could be one of the most intuitive console FPS games ever, or Mario where you use the pointing function in gameplay. Or even ExciteTruck and Red Steel... Don't tell me you're against using the controller as a steering wheel or gun (both of which have been gaming staples since the NES days--it'll just be easier with the Wii). If you are against those, you're just being difficult.

No i'm not against using it to aim or as a steering wheel. Thats why i will have to use it first. Even when i play some games with a normal controller i find myself instictively moving it in the direction i want to go anyhow, but if it takes drastic motion to register movement, which at E3 it was reported as a mixed bag, then no i will not be interested. Just look at the Wii promo videos, if i have to play a video game like ANYBODY from those videos, then no i will not buy one.
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Well, those videos are clearly exaggerated. There's actually a part where a guy's playing Metriod, and he jumps out of his chair and does a bullet time thing to kill an enemy. Certainly that's not necessary. :P
it all just shit waf,

who gonna make game that is 50GB big? naw that fagged..

be lucky if ever see one game take up 20GB.. never mind 50, and cant see that happen either, unless filled with FMV.
triksR4rabits posted on Jul 17 2006 at 09:02 AM said:
does anyone know how big some of the larger 360 games come out to?
There have apparently already been devs complaining about the limited storage media on the Xbox 360. I believe the guy that made DoA4 was one... And it's bad when a fighting game hardly fits on one disc.
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shinneri posted on Jul 17 2006 at 02:54 PM said:
triksR4rabits posted on Jul 17 2006 at 09:02 AM said:
does anyone know how big some of the larger 360 games come out to?
There have apparently already been devs complaining about the limited storage media on the Xbox 360. I believe the guy that made DoA4 was one... And it's bad when a fighting game hardly fits on one disc.

Bullfag, alot of ps3 games coming to 360.

Compression will be fined :)

if gta 4 can fit on 1 dvd then i think most games will toos.

bigger storage not needed until next generation i think
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