And What Is Whit The Orignal Pandora Case (Or Bag)


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Staff member
Oct 24, 2008
Germany,, Saarland, at home
hello, everione, we have not very long to the realease, and a long time ago, whe bougt the pandora whit al incredible accesiars, like the pandora bag/case, a standart case whit the pandora logo, but ther are a lot of standart cases in the world, yet, where the massproduktion gos to begin have i one qestion: how looks the case? is it a letter case (scinn from a cow (the pet who say "muh") or is it a textil case, is it like the wiz case, or like the ds case, the videos shows all funktions of the pandora, .. but where is the case?

thangs for the answers, and excuse my english, because i can speak french better (that means: i can english not very well..) :lol:
Hmm, this is more than strange.
nobody knows everything about the cases or bags?!

:S Strange, I think...
Do you really think this?
I think he will read this topic and nothing will happens.
It's Craig...not ED :)

Yes, I remember that somebody says something like "case will be like the gp2x case" ;)
....hmmm, well....

Craig..Please give us some informations :D
Maybe they didn't actually have time to work on the case, what with all the problems with getting the actual console released, but Lo and Behold some nice guy from Mexico decided to design an "unofficial" case for the system, so they're in the process of contacting him and asking to work together.

Who knows? :rolleyes:
I think the title should be corrected.

About with 'The Original Pandora Case (Or Bag)', I think they mentioned some simple user manual, but I would like a real box to put on my shelf to be honest.
Well , I hope the official case I ordered with my order
is a hard case like the official GP2X case ... Bud
Tell me about the "nice guy from mexico" that is making the "unofficial" case...Thanks for that Esn :P

I've already asked Craig about permission or opinion but I've yet to receive an answer :(
I am making a custom case out of plywood that will feature screws for easy opening and closing with only one tool. I will be selling these cases for $24.99. They will be unpainted, for more opportunities for creativity on the part of the consumer.
I am making a kit to build your own plywood case, including a sheet of plywood, glue and 4 screws. I will be selling the kits for $19.999
I'll be selling cows that you can make leather cases of.

But no seriously, I hope the cases end up looking good. After all I could probably just buy a DS case, but that's not the same.
Suddenly everyone's in the case making business :P

But like NLS says, the cases need to look good and for that you need the nice pandora logo, which im yet to know if im allowed to use...

andrewe1 said:
Suddenly everyone's in the case making business :P

But like NLS says, the cases need to look good and for that you need the nice pandora logo, which im yet to know if im allowed to use...

Dude. Do it. They'll be happy to let you use it. I guarantee it. You want me to email them for you? I think I will. I've been meaning to email them anyway.
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andrewe1 said:
Suddenly everyone's in the case making business :P

But like NLS says, the cases need to look good and for that you need the nice pandora logo, which im yet to know if im allowed to use...

sigh says:
I suspect there are no logo use rules at present, and so I'll just make some general design suggestions. Don't change the spacing between the letters. When presented side-by-side, try not to change the spacing between the box and the word logo. In general, don't overlay the word logo over the box (unless perhaps the box logo is enormous) as the legibility of both would suffer. The logo is best presented in solid colors, and the letters in the word logo should be of the same color. When scaling the logo, preserve the aspect ratio of height to width. (These are merely suggestions of best use, but design is about pushing boundaries, and so some rules can be a bit flexible.)

I do not know the designer of the logo, and I imagine the logo copyright is owned by OpenPandora. Ask them, or check their web page for rights reserved.
Use it! NOW!
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That's not an official statement. That's just someone who maintains the wiki writing up what they feel to be decent guidelines for using the logo and the Pandora text. That doesn't mean that general unofficial use of the name/logo is sanctioned by OPLtd. It's best to wait for a response. While I'm 99% sure that they'll have no issues with its use, it never hurts to make sure.
Well, I own the rights for the logo in Germany, and I can say: Use it! As long as it has something to do with the Pandora (case, game, etc.), I'm fine with it :)
Just if somebody wants to misuse the logo (use it to promote completely different devices, etc.), I'll become angry ;)