I wonder that i've never heard of a amiga-games emulator for the GP32 on the many websites i've visited. :huh:
So can anybody tell me if there is a amiga emulator for the GP32 and if yes where can i get it.
yes, the A1200 was great! i own two of them (besides many other old C64/C128/A500/A2000 - my storage and workroom looks more like a museum).
sad thing, that some old proggies will not run on it (even with disabled CPU caches and downthrottled chipset - thats one reason i collect all those other machines).
back on topic:
emulating the amiga would be great, surely. but in my opinion more for running old amiga-apps (most of them were and still are great) to turn the GP32 into a ... name it "homebrew-pda". THAT would be a good thing.
i tried GEOS2 as an alternative to Amiga Workbench for a good desktop with the frodo-gp32port because i still use GEOS2 sometimes on my C128 (just for fun, no real working)...i failed! GEOS2 didn't even run on Win32/Linux ports of frodo (only via FrodoSC, which isn't included in the gp32 frodo8 release version, sadly - seems like a more real cyclebased emulation - as in FrodoSC - is needed to run GEOS2).
hell - as more as i think about it, as more i want to use amiga WB on my GP32. *g*.