ACH! NOOOO!!! :( thanks alot LAMERS...


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
Because of a bunch of IRC LAMErz (with a captial LAME) the devving on the neo geo emu has stopped :(
Let's all give the guy our support to continue devving for THE REAL GP32 fans and not the warez lamers..
MY bad, I forgot the Pocket in Neo geo pocket, but anyways........ Should IRC be more limited? (As in, NO FILE TRANSFERS?) to prevent the eternal curse of warez, and other such things? I think it should since it was originally intended as a CHAT program, not a hub for lamers...
lol, its not like the cancelled programs actually Promote playing Backup Games / WAREZ.
You should read more to know what you're trying to talk about. All the idiot did with IRC is type in his webpage. He could do the same thing here (yes, here a moderator would remove the link from the post... on IRC the channel Ops banned him... same difference). He wasn't using the file-transfer capabilities of IRC to share the files, he put them on his personal webpage.

Should we shut down the web to prevent this??? - purposeful over-reaction... just as your comments are over-reactions. Kazaa, E-Donkey, DC++, Overnet, etc. do much more for warez than IRC.

Please people... what he did was wrong by most people's opinions. But do we really need 3+ topics to preach to the choir?
yeah.. i've been asked before by some people in IRC for leaked betas and trading. I think it's wrong of course to give out leaked betas sure.. but it was the people who were INTRUSTED with those betas fault too (or more).

i was talking to flack in IRC and he said the same thing i believe about betas... "it's a private beta for a reason... because it's NOT ready yet..." running an emu at half speed sure is interesting.. but it's not very fun in the gaming aspect.

the piracy is just gonna happen.. we can try to stop it.. from EASY access as much as we can (ie web sites).. but basically... it'll still be around.. I'd hate to see the GP32 die out because of piracy but MOST people buy it for the emus (outside of korea) anyway.

anyways.. all this talk about it is not worth 50 posts on the message board and on 3+ sites. anyone disagree?
Most people who write homebrew-programs/emulators do it for fun or other personal reasons, if then somebody comes along and betrays the author´s trust by spilling a private beta out all over the web without the author´s consent this usually takes a lot of the fun away.

It´s a tricky business writing emulators: not sending out private beta´s will get you a lot of flames stating it is fake and all that crap taking away a lot of the fun. But on the other hand sending out private beta´s will ensure you that no fake-flames will be posted but it does put you at risk of seeing your hard work leaked, taking away the fun too.

Anyways it is always a sad thing when an individual can take away the fun out of something for someone else when trust is betrayed. In turn this ruined my own fun too, because I (and a lot of other gp32 users) were quite looking forward to this upcoming neopocket emulator. Seeing those games run on a better handheld screen than the neopocket´s one, would have been a real kick. But alas it is not meant to be, so I can only respect the author´s decision.

But hey there´s more than that to experienced on this fantastic little machine! Don´t look sad. Just keep on coding, reading & posting messages on the boards and....using the gp32 of course.

Cheers, Mark