About The Pd Roms Competition

Because you didn't write Fenix. :P

In my eyes, it's fair. But also I can write my own code in C++, so it may be a little unbalanced.

I don't know as to the exact reason, but I think they wouldn't allow it because Fenix is its own game engine. Making your own game would be to make your own game engine, as I would see it. When someone makes a game with Fenix, they say "I made a game, with Fenix", as opposed to "I made a game."

But this is just my opinion. :)
Now, is a Fenix game less than a game written in other languages?

"Because you didn't write Fenix." - And what the hell does that mean???

btw, you really sound ignorant...
Because it's easier to write a game in fenix than it is in C/C++. It would be unfair for the C/C++ coders (at least that's probably what Kojote thinks). Anyway, nothing worse than changing rules during a compo, so... bad luck for you ;)
Fenix is much easier to code and Fenix usually produces bloated stuff. You have to take care of the runtime libs... and a Fenix game can't be done in one file, because it would at least require that runtime libs etc. Everything in one file is much better imho and most GP32 users think the same. I discussed about the Fenix issue with a couple of people but came to the result that it would be unfair to people who hardcode their game.

Don't worry your time will come :) Someone is planing a Fenix only compo in a few weeks... but I can't say more on that.
Kojote posted on Mar 21 2005 at 07:23 PM said:
Don't worry your time will come :) Someone is planing a Fenix only compo in a few weeks... but I can't say more on that.

Hmm, maybe I should try to start learning fenix again then..... as I won´t be able to learn c++ before the compo ends....

seams to be more c++ compos.... but knowing my self, fenix will most likly be a better starting point....
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btw, you really sound ignorant...
Be careful what you say Quiest. Drag is in my opinion an upstanding member of this board.

Programming in fenix allows you to produce good quality games, yes, but it is sort of like making a cool picture by putting together a jigsaw puzzle, rather than painting it yourself, or bolting together a kit-car, rather than building one from scratch from steel ingots.
yupster posted on Mar 22 2005 at 02:27 AM said:
i would recomend learning c first or it will be harder to learn... or so i hear

well, maybe I can try to learn them both at the same time... fenix to see results fast and c or c++ to get better coding in the long run..... ;)
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Endurion posted on Mar 22 2005 at 08:53 AM said:
yupster posted on Mar 22 2005 at 02:27 AM said:
i would recomend learning c first or it will be harder to learn... or so i hear

well, maybe I can try to learn them both at the same time... fenix to see results fast and c or c++ to get better coding in the long run..... ;)

both make good games... so whats the problem

you still have to design sprites, invent gamesplay etc!

its just a way of keeping C++ for the higher echelons - its snobbery!

how many good coders make really poor games makers...

its like saying that your a better artist if you use paint and not a computer!

are we talking about games playing or obscure coding cliques?


rubbish :D
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No-one is saying that fenix games are any better or worse - just that the technology is different, and that this competition is not open to fenix.

e.g. If there was a race to build the biggest castle out of sand, you can't complain that you can't use rocks. There can be another competition later to use rocks :)
Only a little sad that you don´t see "rock castle" competitions as often as you see "sand castle" competitions for those who only learnt to use rocks.... :unsure:

(me not beeing in any of those categories yet. :P )
Endurion posted on Mar 22 2005 at 09:58 AM said:
Only a little sad that you don´t see "rock castle" competitions as often as you see "sand castle" competitions for those who only learnt to use rocks.... :unsure:

(me not beeing in any of those categories yet. :P )

or that the use of rocks is considered 'not proper' in castle building

unless of course your willing to grind your rocks into sand before the finish!

sPaCe :ph34r:
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spaceboygp32x posted on Mar 22 2005 at 09:59 AM said:
both make good games... so whats the problem

you still have to design sprites, invent gamesplay etc!

its just a way of keeping C++ for the higher echelons - its snobbery!

how many good coders make really poor games makers...

its like saying that your a better artist if you use paint and not a computer!

are we talking about games playing or obscure coding cliques?


rubbish :D

Well, write a simple breakout game with fenix, and then write one in C/C++.
After that, you can continue discussing your point of view here.
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This does not seem to make much sence to me either, as people using C didn't write the gamepark SDK.... as much as people using fenix didn't write the fenix SDK.

I see no difference between the language used to make the game, afterall its the final product which counts...

Strange indeed.


I think that`s some kind of racism :) You bad language, Fenix, your small and easy. I`m C++, big and mighty, I squash you with all I`ve got...

Yeah, you know my opinion, and I don`t care if Drag is an important/polite member, if he sound like an ignorant, I tell him.
It just sounded like I`m less a coder/game maker just because I don`t use c/c++.

If you didn`t want to say this, Drag, then fine, express yourself better.

I mean, I`m putting as much time, work and effort into my fenix coding as anyone else would put into his/her c/c++ coding.

I don`t say that c isn`t a lot harder, I know it is, but as it`s much more powerful, you should get better games out of it (if your good, if you`re not, you wouldn`t win a price).
It`s fine, I beliefe Wraggster was it who wanted to start a gp32/dc compo, and I`m going to take part.

But just saying in the rules "The use of FENIX for any platform is prohibited! If you do not know what FENIX is do not bother with this rule." is a bit weird. I would have expected a good explanation (at least any, instead of "don`t bother"), if there would have been any, I wouldn`t have opened this thread.

Please don`t think I`m going in offense for your competition, Kojote, I really like them.

As said by Graig (thanks, dude) it`s the game that matters, to have fun with it, and not the language it`s written in.

Thanks for reading.
don posted on Mar 22 2005 at 01:34 PM said:
spaceboygp32x posted on Mar 22 2005 at 09:59 AM said:
both make good games... so whats the problem

you still have to design sprites, invent gamesplay etc!

its just a way of keeping C++ for the higher echelons - its snobbery!

how many good coders make really poor games makers...

its like saying that your a better artist if you use paint and not a computer!

are we talking about games playing or obscure coding cliques?


rubbish  :D

Well, write a simple breakout game with fenix, and then write one in C/C++.
After that, you can continue discussing your point of view here.

why bother when fenix does what i want quicker and easier...

like I said: I want to make a game - that invloves lots more than fancy coding...

gameplay, sprites, level design... thats why big houses like EA games split these tasks up...

they have coderx who design engines libraries which can be used accross a number of EA titles... are EA staff not pure coders because of this??? course not... do EA make good games... yes!

I also design board games and book based RPG the D20 rules are pretty much standardised over many many games now - its the content that makes them different....

content not code maketh the game - anything else is snobbery...

sPaCe :ph34r:
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I don't think it's about being a snob. Imagine you're doing a mode7 racing game for a compo. A C coder needs to write it himself (or at least locate a freely available lib for that and port/include it) which takes a lot longer than using the appropriate fenix commands (I think I read about mode7 in the fenix docs, so that might me an appropriate example). The time you save when using all of the premade commands in fenix can be used for additional design stuff you need to do. So, after all, it's unfair for the C coder who needs to do all the stuff 'the oldschool way'.
I personally would not mind fenix entries, but I can't for the love of god stand changing the rules of a compo during 'runtime' - allowing fenix entries now would be unfair for the fenix users who don't have enough time... well... you see? ;)