let me preface this by saying that I'm a super big supporter of EvilDragon, OpenPandora, and Pyra! (I mean I became a staff member for that reason.) I mean the whole community here is something that is applause-worthy and deserves WAY more attention than its already high volume!
One strong factor the OpenPandora has is it's amazing build quality!
Although, I see one small issue with the Pyra.
That's the hinge. (refer to the picture that you see all the time)
Call me picky, but the hinge only takes up 1/3 of the base. I feel like it may be prone to snapping off or something of the sort much easier than the OpenPandora or a 3DS, for example. I mean this may have been accounted for but it's just a small nit-pick I have. Other than that the whole system seems like an all-around party-pleaser!
One strong factor the OpenPandora has is it's amazing build quality!
Although, I see one small issue with the Pyra.
That's the hinge. (refer to the picture that you see all the time)
Call me picky, but the hinge only takes up 1/3 of the base. I feel like it may be prone to snapping off or something of the sort much easier than the OpenPandora or a 3DS, for example. I mean this may have been accounted for but it's just a small nit-pick I have. Other than that the whole system seems like an all-around party-pleaser!