A Poem


the Happy Conqueror
Aug 3, 2007
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This is just something I wrote. The poem text is below. Let me know what you think.

EDIT 9 billion: Seriously, this thing hates me. Apostraphes should only be one when they exist, and the only way to get the link working is to copy/paste it. Sorry. :(


There once was a boy who traveled alone
Out under the moon and the stars as they shone
Oh where shall he go, oh what shall he do
Out under the sky and the stars and the moon?

He wandered in midnight, for there was no sun
The eve and the morn in the darkness were one
No hope for the daylight did he ever have
But happy was he on his moonlit path

Now often he wondered where he was to go
He let out a sigh, for he was alone
His sorrow was noticed by none on the ground
But up in the sky the moon turned and looked down

And there in his arms was the pale moonlight
The boy was astonished, but held to her tight
For here was his love, with midnight of hair
And into her bottomless eyes did he stare

They walked on together, they laughed and they played
They talked of the King and the coming of day
In darkness they smiled as the moon lit their trail
But midnight grew darker, and so does this tale

For you must remember the moon does not stay
It darkens and turns its pale light far away
With nary a word, his love disappeared
And there all alone in the night came his tears

Forward he wandered, his eyes growing dark
The girl of the moonlight had stolen his heart
So onward he tramped, abandoning hope
And up in the sky, shining stars to him spoke:

“Oh child of the earth, why do you weep?
Can you not tell that your end will be sweet?
For you cannot see like we up above
Know that you'll be happy, and find your true love.”

He shouted defiance to the last of his friends
And there in a wink every one of them fled
So there in the dark he cried all alone
And silently fell to the ground like a stone

In sadness he laid there for ages to come
And bitterly thought of how he had no one
It seemed that the flame of his heart had been drenched
But wildfire is not so easily quenched

There in the darkness, something happened
Little by little the boy became man
He got on his feet, shook the grass from his head
And from his great throat came, “I'm not yet dead.”

The man did not wonder, he only knew
Exactly what it was that he must do
So he stretched out his legs and onward he went
Once again wandering, as he'd been sent

His path started up and over a hill
He kept up the pace, forced his legs to his will
And as he went higher he saw a strange light
A warm glow breaking the darkness of night

At long last he reached the top, Oh behold!
A bright shining maiden, as if cast in gold
Around her in tatters the darkness did lay
The man stared aghast at the beauty of day

And as he approached, she turned and looked on
Her beauty grew more as she shined like the sun
She looked in his eyes, and she gave him a smile
Without any fear, without any guile

Coming before her, he stopped in surprise
For the look that she gave him betrayed all his lies
The truth could not hide, his time was not now
And then in her sadness the lady's head bowed

“I'm sorry to do this, you know that I am
But you must have courage, this is not the end!
The darkness surrounds you, so burn through and shine
At the coming of dawn will I truly be thine.”

Then in a flash, the darkness returned
The man stood there silent as his heart burned
He promised her then that he'd do his own part
He'd conquer his fear and blaze in the dark

The fire from within him grew stronger that night
In memory of the sun's burning light
The flames of his heart dried the tears in his eyes
As he looked up at the lifeless sky

The stars all returned as he called out their names
They laughed at his fear of this silly old game
The girl of the moonlight told him to be strong
And blew him a kiss as he traveled along

The sky is still midnight, the grass is still green
And many great things are that never have been
The voice of the earth sings the song of the King
And God watches down upon everything

There is a man who travels alone
With fire in his heart and eyes made of stone
Oh where must he go, oh what can he do
But wait for the daybreak? And may it come soon.
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Thats really good, you have nice voice as well. Seems that GP32X has quite a few secretly talented members.
It reminded me a bit of Seth Lakeman, he's an English Folk singer, if you haven't heard any of his songs you should look them up as I think you'll like them - Freedom Fields is a great album, some truly haunting songs especially as many are based on true events.
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Really nice :)
Well done!

... a singing marathon :P.
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Why read it so quiet? Afraid of parents hear it?

IMHO without chiptunes over it that song/poem sounds totaly gay.
That was pretty cool. not sure i know enough to comment on anything else :/
Yrx - thanks for sharing. Don't have access to youtube at my desck but reading this was an ususual lunchtime distraction from work.

'quasist' said:
Why read it so quiet? Afraid of parents hear it?

IMHO without chiptunes over it that song/poem sounds totaly gay.
You really are a c*ck. If you have suggestions, how about making them in a constructive way?
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If it were anyone but quasist I would've gotten mad. :lol:

I'm actually singing it at a decent volume. My microphone was set too low I think. At least now I know who the heck left that comment. :ph34r:
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There was a funny story about poetry in my life few years ago.
I'm learning in pedagogical university in russia (teacher teaching or something it called). So pedagogy instructor in beginning of semester was shouting on group because we do not make any pedagocal creative work, even no rhymes for school parties. Next week I gave her the music album titled "Artefacts of Dead Teachers" featuring songs like "Burn Museums" or "Dead Children are Much Silent from Death" (made a music video with it later). And our group become free from stupid requests of making any additional work :)
Even president of a university department was afraid of that experemental pedagogical metal music :D. He even mentioned that he had sent a copy to FSB (former KGB)... my lyrics are bad :-/
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'quasist' said:
There was a funny story about poetry in my life few years ago.
I''m learning in pedagogical university in russia (teacher teaching or something it called). So pedagogy instructor in beginning of semester was shouting on group because we do not make any pedagocal creative work, even no rhymes for school parties. Next week I gave her the music album titled "Artefacts of Dead Teachers" featuring songs like "Burn Museums" or "Dead Children are Much Silent from Death" (made a music video with it later). And our group become free from stupid requests of making any additional work :)
Even president of a university department was afraid of that experemental pedagogical metal music :D. He even mentioned that he had sent a copy to FSB (former KGB)... my lyrics are bad :-/
i think they're just really shitty lyrics and everyone was repulsed by the horrid literary quality of them
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'PoisonedV' said:
i think they're just really shitty lyrics and everyone was repulsed by the horrid literary quality of them
... amplified by horrible vocal and lack of musical education while composing it :)
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