A Nice Thread All About The Psp


Certified Guru
Nov 24, 2003
psp is out, and as you all know, it offers some kind of a mini-cd. ( Its not possible to read or write this mini-cd on normal pc ).
But psp also offers a memory stick slot, to store and playback :
divx-avis ( H263 divx, not divx 5.x compatible :( )

And there is a "GAMES"
Folder on a fresh formated memory stick. Witch allows us to store and run HOME-BREW stuff.

!!!!!!!!!!!UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is now confirmed, from a developper of the psp, that you can run, downloadable
game demos, from the memory stick.
Also it is possible to upgrade the firmware from memory stick ...
All folks who are fearing about new difficult to understand new psp hardware.
The psp is to 90% playstation 2 compatible. Means Hardware registers have not changed...

psp FAQ
psp developper interview





I think these are great news ...
Wow, that bloody rules!!. I hope you can, that would be a great move by sony if we dev our own stuff for the psp. I will have to get myself one of those :)
lol I've never said this before but:
use the search function
There's a thread that I started on the front page of this sub-forum.

but still, least you bought some nice screenies.
EDIT: I'll also add that at the moment this thread I speak of is directly below this one.
finty101 posted on Dec 7 2004 at 05:28 PM said:
If this is true the DS can wait, I'll be on the PSP wagon!

Same. If the PSP could run SNES and MD games from the memory stick I'd be one happy chappy.

Looking at the specs, does anyone think PSOne/N64 emulation would be a possibility?
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Brilliant news if they have indeed decided to allow homebrew development. That is the one thing that would sway me towards a PSP. Though that said, I still have no intentions of moving from the GP32 for a good while yet; its still doing absolutely everything I could want it to, really :)
How costly are these "memory chips" PSP uses? Are they PSP specific, or widely used in other systems, ie digital cameras?

And is that screen lit?
Huxley posted on Dec 7 2004 at 05:32 PM said:
finty101 posted on Dec 7 2004 at 05:28 PM said:
If this is true the DS can wait, I'll be on the PSP wagon!

Same. If the PSP could run SNES and MD games from the memory stick I'd be one happy chappy.

Looking at the specs, does anyone think PSOne/N64 emulation would be a possibility?

Jeah i hope a good GBA Emu will be the best so the PSP would be the ultimate Mobile Gaming Gaschiene and really better than the GP.
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And no mention of the security on the memstick? If the device onyl accepts the secure memsticks, or if the apps have to be signed or anything..

So zero information about homebrew is yet known.

They dont know if games will be able to be loaded from the mem stick they just say theres a GAMES folder on a psp formatted stick.
It will be a year until I get either console anyway, so it should be sorted out by then. Hopefully full game loading will be cracked by then too...
Just because it allows games to be stored on a memory stick is not conclusive. After all you can put GP32 commercial games on a card too but they are encrypted to a specific unit, same with a Zodiac. If this is the case with PSP than it would need to be cracked first. We still need to wait and see as far as emus.

Still it looks far more impressive than the DS for commercial stuff, I think Ninty is in trouble.
Me want PSP. Now. Must buy.
But the 450$ price is keeping me off. Somewhat.

Has someone got an idea, what that thingy will cost in a normal, European shop (when will it be released in the EU BTW?)

Would it be wise to grab one from Japan, or are games that will be spread in Eurpe incompatible with that hardware?
or when you save to the memory stick the saved game goes under game so you can find it easy to delete if need be.

$450 price??? There was a news post in Gamespot that it was only going to be $189 at release.