Anyone have any experience of using __heapstats with the ADS compiler?
Whilst using Mirko's SDK gives the wonders of malloc() and free(), there seems to be no easy way under ADS to see how much free space there is in the heap.
It's annoying that I have to write a bleeding dprint function to see how much is free under ADS, when I want to get the answers in ints and not strings.
I need to cache a lot of tables in ram, dumping older unused ones as need be, but in order to know when I should dump them, I need to know how much I have left. :/
Whilst using Mirko's SDK gives the wonders of malloc() and free(), there seems to be no easy way under ADS to see how much free space there is in the heap.
It's annoying that I have to write a bleeding dprint function to see how much is free under ADS, when I want to get the answers in ints and not strings.
I need to cache a lot of tables in ram, dumping older unused ones as need be, but in order to know when I should dump them, I need to know how much I have left. :/