666€ for "Pandora Phone" GTA04

OpenMoko - Been awhile since they announced that.

VERY expensive for an A8 phone. Pandora phone = SKYPE!
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The new one has the DM3730 SoC that the 1ghz Pandora uses.

Looks nice but it is to expensive for a phone.
Unfortunately, the N900 is not fully open source. This has complex reasons (legal, marketing, product differentiation). An OpenMoko phone is a heroically open device and I would buy one if I could. Let's wish them luck in their endeavor.
Unfortunately, the N900 is not fully open source. This has complex reasons (legal, marketing, product differentiation). An OpenMoko phone is a heroically open device and I would buy one if I could. Let's wish them luck in their endeavor.

Still, considering the fact that it's "open enough", the hardware, and the fact that you can buy one dirt cheap nowadays, I feel it's a better deal, no?
The N900 is BRILLIANT!

Can not be beaten. Mine is in my draw. Only because I don't have time to enjoy the Linux hack fest of daily N900 use!

Best phone/computer I've used. Just many software crashes. If you can get it cheap enough, do it. Mine is stabile ad happily runs at 1.1Ghz.

It's a computer with a phone sticky taped to it! ;)
I think there are similar arguments around the OpenPandora about much more powerful (but non-open) hardware available at much less money. ED has written down some good points:


The only point I would not agree with him is: "It [Dual Core] sure makes sense for a smartphone". Phone function is done by the modem module and that has its own CPU (sometimes even more than one) anyways.
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