3DS vs Pandora: Which is win?

well the pandora is the best handheld since sliced bread

the 3ds is a nintendo console

can't see many 'casual' gamers buying a 3ds though, not at that price (it's more than a bloody 360)
This is what I suspect.

Pandora wins on:

  • Raw performance
  • Quality and amount of applications (excl. games)
  • Versatility

3DS wins on:

  • Sales (it will absolutely crush the Pandora)
  • Games (more and better)
  • Overall build quality
At first, I was really excited about the 3DS, but then I started to really think about it. I've never really liked those "fun" features on the DS series... like Pictochat, pictures and audio on the DSi... sure, they are fun at first, but they get boring fast. I think that it is great to have more depth perception in games, but I don't think I'd enjoy headaches or dizziness (I get those easily after >1 hour of gameplay.) It would be great if nintendo released a portable system that strapped on to your head and directed two separate images to each eye, and had a plugged in controller... the VDS? (virtualboy ftw)

The hard thing about chosing between consoles that you don't have in front of you is, well, you don't have them in front of you to compare. It would be really hard to chose between the Pandora and the 3DS without having them in your hands. It's like asking someone to pick between eating either rice or noodles for the next year and they have never tasted or seen them before.
The 3D display can be turned off in all games at any time, if it starts to bother you.

IMO, the games look fantastic. Furthermore, I've never seen this much pre-release game announcements and media releases for a handheld. The 3D display is just a nice extra. Little of the pre-release material is even capitalizing on it.
Furthermore, I've never seen this much pre-release game announcements and media releases for a handheld.
I've never had such a huge list of games that I need to pre-order at one time, before, either. :lol: I'm usually lucky to find more than two games (if that) that are to my tastes in a console's pre-launch listings.
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Seeing the 3DS, thinking about it's likely price-point and release date really makes me want one. The games look absolutely fantastic.

I don't like to admit it, but my recent thinking has been to just wait and get the Pandora in batch 3 or something like that. Hopefully case issues will be fixed, the minor niggling issues will be ironed out and the price will probably be cheaper (batch 2 is certainly cheaper, despite a price hike, than my batch 1 preorder). But on the other hand, you've got to jump in some time, and this is a unique proposition. Like everyone I'm getting irksome about waiting.
They have different purposes. This is like asking whether orange is a better color than silver. Orange is good for caution signs, but silver is better for GUIs.

Hey, as a representative for the Ubuntu community, I want to say that orange GUI:s kick ass! Naah, j/k!
Pandora wins.

...but i'm probably going to end up getting a 3ds - for Pokemon. Why? Because the Pokemon Company(real company, called this ) has been given priority in recieving developer kits. This can only mean good things for people like me who think HeartGold/SoulSilver were RUSHED GAMES and that's what ruins original gold/silver. I'm hoping they're not just going to use a Pokemon release to save their asses financially (without the Pokefad nintendo would be a dead company - remember the Gameboy?) and have that as one of the first games out. Given more time they will make an epic game. Why am I offtopic?

Pandora has TWO analog nubs, a touchscreen and a full qwerty keyboard (woot I got to just swipe qwerty on my keyboard! I'm not using Dvorak anymore). The full qwerty keyboard is what made me lean forwards in my chair.

3ds has what, a toyish 3d screen. Meh.
I'm getting both, because I've always been a little bit of a Nintendo fan.

Pandora's going the be the one I'm always on, though.
I'm going to use the Nintendo 3DS to play 3DS games. I'm going to use the Pandora for everything else.

I'm also more likely to take the Pandora with me wherever I go.
I probably won't even buy a 3DS right away, mostly because I know there'll be another model I'll want more less than a year later :P Besides, it gives things a chance to drop in price and, of course, for them to start producing them in MORE COLORS. I really wonder how they pick what colors to make these things.

...That and I just bought a DSiXL to replace my ailing DSi. :P