2012 - What did it mean for the Pandora ?


Hardcore Member
May 7, 2012
神戸市、日本 (Japan)
Alright, just a simple topic for everyone here : "What remarkable things happened to the Pandora scene this year ?" as we reach the end of the world the year 2012.

My thoughts would be, on the positive side:

- The 1Ghz version and the return to a normal production

- Apps: PNDManager, QEmu, Android, Slackware, PCSXReARMed update, UAE4All update, gpsp update

- Dev : Arduino support

- Games: availability of many Android games + one more commercial game (Kami Retro), Microbes

- Hacks : NIght lighting for Pandora keyboard

- Site: the ticket system

- Donations to support earlier pre-orders and ED's constant effort to fix things

On the negative side:

- the 1Ghz pre-order mess (still not fixed with no clear answer as to when it will be over) -> honestly the community did not need this :(

- the departure of key members (Sony, Prometheus)

- PR missed opportunities (negative reviews in several publications/sites)

- too few newcomers yet while the product is readily available (with awareness and price as the main barriers for entry)

Overall I would say this was a positive year for Pandora users in terms of software - it gave a better value to the Pandora proposition, and on the manufacturing side it seems like ED has now a better grasp on things overall, but for the community as a whole, the 1Ghz pre-order mess was a very big step backward on what seemed to be an ongoing progress forward.

For 2013 I hope for more good software to come and would certainly hope to see new users, but I would also certainly hope that we all avoid alienating and destroying the community with such things again.

How about you ? What is your recollection of this year's achievements and disappointments ?
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Software highlight:

- High Res PCSX

- Full HD via DisplayLink and Slackware

- Didn't the power save features also come out this year ?

Next year:

Mupen 64 via Kickstarter :P
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Ya know what might be cool, though? On the site, have a map of the world, and color code each country...or each state in the United States, with how many Pandys are in that location.

I know of at least ONE in Pennsylvania, USA.
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There's one in Allentown & Quakertown too, and a few more that I'm aware of in PA.

Just sent one to Alaska last week, that's a first for me.

Funny I remember when you weren't loving the Pandora at first... Glad it all worked out for you!
This map only works, if people set their position on the map. It is not automatically updated when a Pandora ships.
This map only works, if people set their position on the map. It is not automatically updated when a Pandora ships.

I would be quite against an automated system and I guess I wouldn't be the only one...

There's one in Allentown & Quakertown too, and a few more that I'm aware of in PA.

Just sent one to Alaska last week, that's a first for me.

Funny I remember when you weren't loving the Pandora at first... Glad it all worked out for you!

Really...Allentown and Quakertown aren't far from me....and here I was hoping I had the only one in PA...woulda just made me feel special for a while, ya know?

Guess I'll satisfy myself that I probably have the only one in Monroe County.

And it was never that I wasn't loving the Pandora...I was just one of the skeptics and naysayers who kept saying it would never happen in the early days, when there was one delay after another after another. FWIW, I'm glad I was wrong!