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  1. T

    Slackware for Pandora 14.1

    This is gonna be a noob question, but do things like game emulators run faster when running under Slackware?
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    Wagic Broken on CC Unit

    I found a download for a mod of the game that adds a campaign mode. I don't know if it works on our version though, this campaign I think was built for stuff like the PSP.
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    Wagic Broken on CC Unit

    Maybe it was the story mode screwing it up? Stupid tutorials kept popping up... are there actual campaigns for this game?
  4. T

    Wagic Broken on CC Unit

    Nevermind, I just had to tell it to knock off the mana animations. Sped up in a hurry :P
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    Wagic Broken on CC Unit

    Wow this is just too slow to play at 800...
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    Wagic Broken on CC Unit

    I just got it to work in the main desktop environment... but in the game (the story mode) it keeps making this annoying cash register noise every 5 seconds. Also the mouse keeps flashing when moved.
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    Wagic Broken on CC Unit

    Do you use Openbox?
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    Wagic Broken on CC Unit

    So the latest version of Wagic will download the updates but then simply launches to a black screen and eventually crashes my unit... is this a bug that was never fixed? I got it to load the menu once before crashing.
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    Panda Frontend

    No one? Damn
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    Panda Frontend

    I have an issue with the Panda Frontend emulator pnd. I got it to work, but when I told it to use a custom emulator (instead of the default ones say for SNES or Genesis) it only loads those emulators, but not the game in them, defeating the purpose. Is there anything I can do? All I did was...
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    Openbox Warlock Bar Bugs?

    Sees "Pandafe"  Oh and thank you again, I just got that. The two PND thing I mean.
  12. T

    Openbox Warlock Bar Bugs?

    So there could be a folder remaining somewhere that keeps bringing it back, even after I delete it?
  13. T

    Openbox Warlock Bar Bugs?

    Thank you. Also, do you happen to know why Snes9x EX keeps showing up twice in that bar each time I reset? IN the filer manager it shows 1.43 and 1.53 even though only 1.53 is installed (I had 1.43 on before briefly)
  14. T

    Openbox Warlock Bar Bugs?

    Is that something I can do right now? By adapted do you mean deleting the %U in the run script for LibreOffice? Or something a bit more complicated?
  15. T

    Openbox Warlock Bar Bugs?

    LibreOffice will not launch, it just says "/mnt/utmp/libreoffice/%U does not exist." However in XFCE GUI it runs just fine. (Again, sorry about all the new posts, I was going to ask around the #openpandora irc channel... but all I found were trolls in there that seemed to like making fun of...
  16. T

    Performance and Memory Questions

    Okay, more clear. Do you think I would be safe to set max OPP to 5 and speed to 1000? When "sleeping" it uses less energy anyway. It kind of sounds like there wouldn't be much of a difference (after all of these  optimizations you mentioned) from setting it to OPP3 @ 600 and OPP5 @ 1000 for my...
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    Performance and Memory Questions

    Okay, so at OPP3 it got up to 850mhz and anything past that the CPU Test PND gave me errors so I stopped it. I know you all explained this to me, but this is what is confusing. So I have the Max OPP set to 5 and current speed set to 600 (max at 1000) then if I am running a demanding...
  18. T

    LibreOffice Issues (No Google Docs?) and Java?

    By check the code do you mean the source code for LO or the source code for the Open Pandora version?
  19. T

    Performance and Memory Questions

    See that one makes the most sense to me, I guess that's why it's worded that way in the settings menu. So if I set it to 5 but my CPU is only set to 600mhz, then it shouldn't set the voltage to 5 since that is not needed? In this theoretically scenario, would it also drain more battery? Or...
  20. T

    Performance and Memory Questions

    That is rather helpful, thank you. So if a program is running that doesn't need 1ghz (but you have the CPU set to that) then it underclocks it for you? Do all programs do this? Can it overclock depending on the workload?