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  1. stephen0205

    Quick Personal Update And A New Homebrew Pnd

    wish you good health in the future.
  2. stephen0205

    Terrible Banding

    id just rma unless your comftable enuff, u could open it see if the cable is seated correctly. Isnt it just flex cable
  3. stephen0205

    Anyone Else Getting Pum,ped For Portable Wipeout?

    wipeout will be fun to play when i get the pandora, but first some destruction derby
  4. stephen0205

    New Pics From Mweston

    i need an update fix 2. cant wait , i think this time we will get the green
  5. stephen0205

    Media Reports

    no probs dudes, i just cant wait to get it. im trying to learn some programming so i can make a crappy little game, just for fun
  6. stephen0205

    Media Reports

    there is a small pic from my micro mart magazine was funny tho because i picked it up and was flicking though the pages like really fast, and it caught my eye, and i was like what page was that, and now that magazine is mines ha. if anyone wants to read the article i have uploaded it to share...
  7. stephen0205

    Media Reports

    yeah ill see if i can scan it for tomorrow
  8. stephen0205

    Media Reports

    the pandora was in my micro mart magazine today was like ........... A PANDORA !, ha i pre ordered me one of those, they seem to thing the convention rate on the price means uk people pay 200 quid for it
  9. stephen0205

    Nintendo Sixty Fooooooooooooooooooour!

    nice, just caught it on youtube, it runs really well, as one the the games ill be playing im quite happy from the performance it brings to the table
  10. stephen0205

    Mupen64Plus Video

    ha nice, cant wait for this to be worked on more. being able to play n64 games will make this little beauty even more desirable
  11. stephen0205

    My Pandora Preview

    im so jelious of you. but nice pre mp pandora review. i dont think that hinge will bother me at all, seeing craig and eds videos it looks just perfect positioning. cant wait to see some videos of all the different emulators and applications running on it when its done.
  12. stephen0205

    Case Is Done But Still Has To Be Reviewed?

    so when do u guys think everyone will have there pandoras, a month from now maybe ?
  13. stephen0205

    What's The First Film You Will Watch On The Pandora

    think ill watch stay alive on it, its a great movie
  14. stephen0205

    My Mp Pandora

    Dosent look like it but should be worth the wait, i still have hope
  15. stephen0205

    Pandora-Tan Character Art

    hahah i f*****g love that haha
  16. stephen0205

    Pandora-Tan Character Art

    the first one is ulta kl
  17. stephen0205

    Snippet Request

    i would also like to see the emulators running on your pandora
  18. stephen0205

    The Green Light?

    i know this one isnt done yet, well its nearing an end and im happy for it to finally be made and im my hands. but one thing that i look forward to , is to see if they ever make like a pandora 2 with upgraded hardware, or even a new device, im hopeful for he future, cause were about to have the...
  19. stephen0205

    A Pandora Just For Me

    the silver is nice, i like the interface on it, would be kl for a skin like that
  20. stephen0205

    Wallpapers And Other Graphics Wanted!

    now that would be a great idea, a pmenu skin from some of these mockups would be sweet