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  • Users: Micket
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  1. M

    In Search Of Adlib Music

    Hi I'm Micket, you may remember me from software such as OldPlay I'm currently writing an AdPlug-plugin for XMMS2, but i cannot find any adlib music online (see adplug formats The links i've found have all been dead, so anyone got some lying around? I'd...
  2. M

    Oldplay 1.33

    Hi i did a few fixes VERSION 1.33 * Fixed bug where volume was not changed until song was playing * Increased max volume (per request). The difference between low and high is now VERY large. Hopefully everyone will be satisfied. * Mods are back at stereo again (per request). Since there is a...
  3. M

    Oldplay V1.31

    Hi everybody! It still looks like this Changelog VERSION 1.31 (just bugfixes, sorry no time) * Change the default length with DEFLENGTH=X, where X is time in seconds. * Finer volume control at lower volumes (through software) * Pressing VOLUP+VOLDOWN now works as stick-click (for F200) *...
  4. M

    GP2X Some F200 Fixes For Oldplay

    UPDATE: There might not even be anything wrong, so no need to bother reading anything here!!! Appearantly Oldplay crashes when you try to turn off the screen on. I haven't actually written this code myself, this was all from Sasq when i took over the project. I guess the problem might be in...
  5. M

    Oldplay V1.30

    New graphical update, so i'm using the old image. VERSION 1.30 * Fixed minor bugs with VBR mp3's without the Xing header. * Fixed bug in AAC loading for files with ID3 tags * Fixed skipping of corrupted parts of OGG-files. * Changed to mono for *.mod's (+upsampling). * Enabled various effects...
  6. M

    Oldplay V1.20

    I'm gonna be a bit busy the next 2 weeks, so i won't hold back the next release until then. VERSION 1.20 * 10 new formats supported: ADL, WLF, JBM, D00, TTA, APE, MPC, WV, MIDI, AAC * Increased some clockfreqs since i found FLAC and other formats to be a bit...
  7. M

    Some Questions Regarding Dynamic/static Linking

    Hi, Orkie asked me to compile a dynamically linked version of oldplay, so tried some things out This is the libraries i use CODE STATICLIBS = -Wl,-Bstatic \ -L../libs \ -ladplug \ -lbinio \ -lfaad \...
  8. M

    Oldplay 1.15

    Another update (i'll post a new thread, since i can't edit the old title) Rather short changelog this time though VERSION 1.15 * FLAC support with seeking. * FLAC metadata parsing (vorbis comments, length, etc.) Didn't bother to change the version number for...
  9. M

    Oldplay 1.10

    I was originally hoping to have time to update UADE for this release, but it's quite a bit of work to use it so i'm not going to hold back these updates any longer EDIT: Bah! you guys are to demanding! ;) Made a new theme; VERSION 1.10 * Improved plugin...
  10. M

    Another Oldplay Update. Version 1.0 Same link as usual EDIT AGAIN: Another rather small update VERSION 1.05 Noticeable changes * All formats now display more song information <-- as much as fits (mostly MP3 and OGG that got new stuff) * Removed the blending functions. Keys are now used to alter...
  11. M

    Oldplay 0.99

    Well I think I've done enough to call this the next release. VERSION 0.99a Noticeable changes * Seeking (only forward) in GameCube music * Increased samplerate for Game Music emulator * Had to increase clock frequency for sega music becuase of that * Made use of the whole "LED"-display, showing...
  12. M

    GP2X Scratchy Sound (sdl And /dev/mixer)

    Hi i recently added support for GameCube music which uses the in_cube plugin for xmms. But im getting horrible sound quality. Scratchy sound, high frequent ticks, just a noise that almost drowns the music in alot of songs. I snagged off the stream of shorts that the plugins are asked to fill...
  13. M

    Oldplay V0.97

    EDIT AGAIN: Now it's 0.98 Changelog on page 2, same link EDIT: Acutally i updated it again, right now i'm calling it 0.98a Although who gives a shit about version names, the interesting stuff is the changelog anyway. Look further down. The links are the same, i just replaced the files Well i...
  14. M

    Oldplay 0.96a

    Well, here's the link [2MB] [16MB] and the changelog VERSION 0.96a Noticeable changes * uade have *STOPPED* working for the moment (working on it, slowly) * Updated version of GME. * Sorted file lists (not coded that well...
  15. M

    A Little Lost At Const And Casting

    Hello! I've had some problems with libmodplug and i've found the bug that seems to be causing most problems with xm+many other formats. #include <stdio.h> int main() { const char foo[] = {0x12, 0x34,0X56}; short bar = *((short*)(&foo[1])); printf("%X\n",bar); } This will write 3412 on...
  16. M

    My Gp2x Dies At Slightest Bump

    Hello everyone. My GP2X just started to crash whenever it gets the slightest bump on the right side. We're talking less force then i use to press the buttons. As soon as i do i get lots of graphical artifacts in whatever program i'm using (it also freezes with small pixels here and there...
  17. M

    GP2X Making Images Prettier With Dithering

    Well. I for one was slightly bothered by the sometimes lacking colors in 16-bit. Well, at least when it came to different gradients (most likely seen in menus and such) so i tried to apply some dithering to them, and i must say i'm quite pleased with the results First off, a familiar example...
  18. M

    GP2X Added Png Support In The Squidgesnes Menu

    Hello everyone! I did some changes to the menu for squidgesnes. I guess this should work with any version of the player The code can be found here The makefile is set up to work with ooPo's nice little package of compilers and libs, but should be easily modified to...