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  • Users: PowerGod
  • Content: Threads
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  1. PowerGod

    Ludusavi (Backup tool for game saves)

    I always was a keeper for save game files, in the end when I put some effort on a game I like to maintain my progress on it. There was a time when I had just few games, and was easy to maintain manual backups... then the game number started to grow, and I opted to use scripts made by me that...
  2. PowerGod

    VIM 7.2 Syntax

    I didn't use VIM directly on the Pandora in the last years, the one from "opkg", but I found out that the default syntaxes are wrong for the current version (7.2). You can find syntax files for the 7.2 version here: INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Extract...
  3. PowerGod


    There is an issue when games are from stores different from Steam, them don't have access to Steam WorkShop, and so to almost all the MODs. Most of the time anyway it is possible to download the MODs from Steam WorkShop, and manually put them in the game folder. This operation is not an issue...
  4. PowerGod

    [Online Game Stores] How to aggregate a list of all the owned games ?

    Hi, in these times there are a lot of online game stores, most of them are constantly giving free or high discounted games, and at some point it could become difficult to track all the games you own, and in what store... Every store has its unique way to show a list of all the owned games...
  5. PowerGod

    DEL / INS - Can you recap how those works ?

    Some years have passed since I actively used the Pandora to code / write, and now an old question returned in my life... I tried to search the old threads about the use of DEL/INS keys, but most of the links don't works anymore, especially this one...
  6. PowerGod

    Do you like Sci-Fi series that ends with religious stuff ?

    First of all, this POLL is intended for TV (or streaming) series, so not movies/books. The main point is that happened to me to follow some Sci-Fi series for many seasons, that were building expectations for answers, possibly scientific (as far as a fiction can do), but in the end all of those...
  7. PowerGod

    [SOLVED] How could I search inside PMs ?

    I can't find a way to search inside my Private Messages... Am I missing something obvious ? Or there is actually no way to do that ? In the end I found the "Conversation search" button under the "Start conversation" button. :oops:
  8. PowerGod


    Since there still wasn't a dedicated thread, here it is. UBISOFT already started to give a FREE content EVERY DAY, sometimes it's a GAME sometimes it's just a DLC, but you can redeem them even if you don't own the main game, just in case... The first free game was "STARLINK: Battle for Atlas"...
  9. PowerGod

    Nintendo Game & Watch
  10. PowerGod

    Search function broken ?

    The search function of the site seems to return no results despite the words used... Also if I click on the "Your content" link, I see listed only two threads... :eek:
  11. PowerGod


    This game always interested me, and finally it is coming to PC. Seems that it will be a "good" port from the console. I hope this will be true also for controls. I'm not still sure how much this will be heavy for the system.
  12. PowerGod

    [CLI] devreorder + x360ce installer

    I was used to setup gamepads with STEAM, but at some point I found out that those configurations were messing with the entire system, when STEAM was open... so I had to close STEAM every time I had to play something else with a controller... Now I disabled the STEAM controllers managements, and...
  13. PowerGod

    Need advice for Javascript environment to use

    I'm not so used with javascript, and the times I needed to modify some scripts, those were really simple and small... but now I want to hack the GOG Galaxy 2.0 interface, and there is for example this "client.js" that is a more than 3 MB one liner script, and this makes it really difficult to...
  14. PowerGod

    XU-DH1 - carbon mats ?

    Hi, I can't see the carbon mats for the XU-DH1 in the store, I would buy 3 if them will come, I don't want to change a perfectly working gamepad just because a button remains stuck :( In the worst case them are not available anywhere, is there some trick I could use to make the mat lasting...
  15. PowerGod


    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE: THIS DOESN'T WORK ANYMORE :( The reason is explained in the next post...
  16. PowerGod

    How to catch the filename saved from "wget" ?

    Using "wget" with the parameter "--content-disposition", for example, the downloaded file will be automatically named using the headers taken from the URL. If the same file is downloaded more then once, wget will add numbers to the filename. So, how programatically I can catch the filename just...
  17. PowerGod

    Are you missing Lightguns ?

    If you are not aware of this, all the lightguns of the past doesn't work anymore with LCD screens, them had different technology/sensors, but most of the time them were using the refresh speed of CRT to determinate the position, and with Plasma or LCD screen this is no more possible... The only...
  18. PowerGod

    [SCRIPT] CLI script to get NO-INTRO DAT lists

    EDIT: tl;dr the script is in the second post. I'm trying to get DAT files from the NO-INTRO site using command line... The site needs both GET and POST requests, the GET for going in the specific "Standard DAT" page, and the POST to select the system...
  19. PowerGod

    Mech Commander Gold - Desperate Measures - High resolution patch

    "Mech Commander" was a mind blowing game the time it came out, it was at least perfect as it was difficult !! While reading around on, I found out that recently was released an high resolution patch for "Mech Commander Gold", that seems also to contain the source code. (I'm not sure...
  20. PowerGod

    8bitdo gamepads Xbox360 compatibility on Windows

    Hi, I found out that my "SN30 Pro" is recognized as "Xbox360 for Windows" only when plugged with USB, and in this way all the games that require an Xbox360 controller works ok out of the box (even vibration works). Instead, if I connect it as X-input via Bluetooth, it is recognized as "Xbox...