Or just chill in the labor pool outside and work the show . You would have to be a teamster though .
Then you get an all access pass .
Edit: you could also just set up a fake webshop and apply for tickets . They take retailers .
Or you could set up a game review site . They take journolists...
If any of you watched the press conferece tonight you would know how disgraceful it was .
You can get the download here (after they post it ) http://www.gamespot.com/e3/index.html
They showed some weak ass games and a GT HD demo . They only showed like 5 playable demos and most of them sucked...
Their is a whole team of Developers that have the source code and actively develope for it . So it isn't just one guy thier is a bunch of them .
I don't understand why he would be against open sourcing it .
sony keynote starts in 8 minutes watch it here has allready started , why are you hanging out here go watch it !!! http://www.gamespot.com/e3/e3live.html
I had started a thread over on their forums about a week ago and i feel like an idiot trying to explain development things that I can barely grasp .
From what I can determine Zelda Classic was made using Allegro and their is a development...
If it is one of the Dell remakes of the trinitron monitors (completely flat screen) then it is just dying . I have had one 19" and one 15" go out the same way .
Supposidly their is a faulty piece on the board that converts the signal . But both times I looked into fixing it I couldn't find...
I remember reading about a software mode for openGL .
Would that be easier to run off the second processor ?? Then would it use a cache file instead of Ram ?
Now I have no idea the actual differences in architecture between a standard arm processor and an older GPU .
But what I was thinking about is that every time a GPU is explained to me people ussually say it is basically a second processor devoted to 3d rendering .
So what I was thinking about...
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