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  1. D

    Atari Basic howto?

    Hi! I was wondering if it was possible to use the Atari 800 emulator on the Pandora to start programming programs for the a800, and if so, how?
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    [bluetooth] Possible to use Pandora Speakers? Tonight one of my ear pieces of my usb headphones snapped :\ So I ventured into new territory in hopes of using the pandora's speakers via bluetooth. But atlast, Windows only gives me options to use my laptops speakers as shown in the first...
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    Is My "cracked" (Coming Apart) Pandora Covered By Rma?

    I think yours is covered by the warranty and could be sent back for repairs methinks.
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    Pandora Photo Shoot

    This post has been promoted to an article
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    extracting zip files ?

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    extracting zip files ?

    Hi I was wondering if there was a way to extract zip files on the pandora?
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    Katamari Hack

    interesting, thanks for sharing :) btw your avatar is in the katamari
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    What are you playing this weekend/these days?

    Been playing a lot of Klax :) Klax is a cool puzzle game where there are colored tiles coming down like a random guitar hero and to match 3 or more colors in any direction to clear them. What I like most about it is that each tile has a different sound so when there are a lot of them its...
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    A question about SD Install

    >.> I did download it from his website and put it on the pandora and ran it, though in its prompts it asked me how much space that I would like to allocate for those partitions.
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    A question about SD Install

    Hi I think the SD Install will really make the process for updating the OS very convenient, and I have a couple of questions about the updating process. Should I make the Vfat(Windows) partition the whole card? What does one do with the Partition Swap and if convenient how much space...
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    The gates to corporate rule are slowly opening.

    Not to sound overly dramatic or anything but, it does get much worse than that: each link is an update on the Protect IP bill
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    happy birthday!

    happy birthday!
  13. D

    Best of Atari 2600

    One of the games I've been playing for the Atari 2600 is Lock n Chase. Pretty addictive :)
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    Why the Pandora is the way it is.

    eheheh thanks for the new link :D *fanfare music plays* Congratulations, your Stalking level has increased!
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    No no no this is not right.

    I like SONY,he makes the forums livelier & even if the posts sometimes get out of hand, it just makes it more fun. Would you rather like a forum that is dull and boring like watching C-span or something? Sony helping out
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    Anyone knownledgeable about old guitars here?

    I dont really know anything about guitars, but it sure does look nice ;) (i apologize for not being able to help much :\) bonus link ~Dramatic Waltz
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    zomg, thanks Sony :) I checked the wrench icon but not the paper thingy.
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    i try doing that but its not working on pandora. i tried [select/ctrl]+{[fn+f]/up}
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    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
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    It seems I thrashed my Pandora around a little bit too much in my bag

    I haven't had any problems like yours as of yet(been careful/cautious) but thanks for the warning as I was thinking that the case was safe enough. Were there a lot of heavy things/space in your bag? ~dramatic Waltz