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  1. kin

    Release New Pandora Video

    WOOOOOWWWW!!! You made my day! epic. For the first time the Pandora breathes outside! Nice sunset, great screen! The white case and keys looks kinda nice.
  2. kin

    03/29 Blog Entry

    As far I can read it's not a big deal with the fixes. Lol educating your replacement is such a tremendous job... Good luck with your new job!
  3. kin

    New Video

    lol it's a good rehearsal!
  4. kin

    Pandora''s Type Classification

    SSM Spicy Sandwich Maker :P
  5. kin

    Pandora''s Type Classification

    lol gamepal... gamemate... gamejoy
  6. kin

    Pandora''s Type Classification

    AMC - Advanced Micro Computer PMC - Personal Micro Computer MPH - Multi Purpose Handheld (Lol i dont like the term handheld)
  7. kin

    Pandora''s Type Classification

  8. kin

    Pandora''s Type Classification

    I personally dont like the term "handheld" cause it sounds like you're able to hold something with both your hands like a dinnerplate, soupbowl, a sandwich etc.... lol + it's a clamdesign uh... PMC - Portable Micro Computer
  9. kin

    Release New Video: Complete, Working, Portable Pandora

    We're gonna have the pandora soon yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhh!!
  10. kin

    Pandora''s Type Classification

    I would classify it as the "handtop".
  11. kin

    How Far Is The To-do List Of The Pandora Produktion?

    OMG lol! :lol: Well according to the recent blog entry, only boring work is left:P
  12. kin

    Release New Video: Ed Assembles A Prototype

    I hope they cover up the 4 ugly screws on the display side with plastic sticky nobs or something.
  13. kin

    Release New Video: Ed Assembles A Prototype

    Lol the pandora gets dressed! WOOHOOOOOO!!! Oops... you have broken your belt ^^
  14. kin

    Release Pandora Devboard: Mplayer, Picodrive, Quake 1 And Battle For Wesnoth

    Nice video! Finally we can see someone playing with the bare unit with 2 hands! BTW... how did the burntest turned out? I probably missed that one on the forum.
  15. kin

    Release First Images Of Cnced Pandora

    Lol I admin I like the white colour. Would be great to have non-painted pandora cases for us artists..
  16. kin

    Release First Images Of Cnced Pandora

    Yaaaaaaaahhhh! woohoo! It looks nice and slimmer than i've expected! A major leap to the next fase. Keep up the good work guys!
  17. kin

    Release Quake2 Nanogl

    Oh yeah! Quacke 3 engine... nice FPS!!!
  18. kin

    Release Site Update

  19. kin

    Release Site Update

    Yeah, spring is the best moment... I'm feeling alot better.