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  1. M

    Elder Scrolls: Arena

    I tried Arena using dosbox on the pandora and it was close to playable at 1 Ghz overclocking. Not sure how it worked on the Dingoo.
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    Dosbox Games You're Looking Forward To

    I've tried daggerfall and its unplayable.
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    Dosbox Games You're Looking Forward To

    Ill mess with it more the next few days. Its hard to tell without some kind of benchmark. If I up the cycles in game past 16000 it seems the game gets slower too.
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    Dosbox Games You're Looking Forward To

    I've got a question on the cpu cycles. I was testing arena and its almost playable. I was fooling around with the cycles and the games seems to run better if I set cycles to something like 16000 than if I set it to max or auto. The pandora is running at 830 mhz. I didn't do any lengthy...
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    Dosbox Games You're Looking Forward To

    I've tried the following games and they are pretty much unplayable (Single Digit FPS). Crusader: No Remorse DaggerFall Dungeon Keeper
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    Post Your Dosbox Successes Here

    I didn't really try any slower speeds, but I'm sure there is room to adjust. You can also turn frameskip up more. There are also in game settings to adjust, but they didn't seem to effect the speed at all. I would play around with it more, but I think my sd card is failing. At least its a...
  7. M

    Post Your Dosbox Successes Here

    I finally got around to playing with dos box and if anyone is curious, I was able to play Little Big Adventure on it just fine. I had to get the pandora clock to 830 mhz ( mine starts to get unstable going any higher ). Just for fun, I tried Fallout 1 and it is pretty unplayable, but that was...
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    Release Ginge

    I had the pandora set to 800 mhz, just didn't know if the Wiz clock effected it at all.
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    Release Ginge

    I played around with PSX4All and it seems to run a lot better than psx4pandora. The compatibility is not there yet, but Final Fantasy VII plays a lot better. At 800 mhz and frame skip of 2 it needed to have frame limiting turned on. So I set it to frame skip of 1 and frame limiter on and it...
  10. M

    Single Nub Units Again

    I've got a question on the problem nubs. I received my pandora early in the one nub club. Both nubs seems to work pretty well. No real issues when playing games, even Mario 64. The one thing I do notice is that when on the desktop and I moved the nubs in a circle, the cursor moves in more of...
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    Pandora Code::blocks On The Pandora

    So when you save it to your home directory and are using the home extend file, does it really end up in the home extend file and not on the NAND? Also I didn't seem to have that problem. I was able to build, but was getting errors because I need to finish converting the program to Opengl ES...
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    Pandora Code::blocks On The Pandora

    When working with a project on the Pandora using Code::Blocks, where do you recommend storing the project? I'm using the root extend and home extend files. I have it saved on an SDCard ( not the one with the extend fields ) and it keeps giving me errors saying it can't save the files. Any...
  13. M

    Has Anyone Done Anything On Gemrb?

    So I haven't tried Gemrb yet, but how does it play. It looks like they aren't 100% complete with it yet, but are there noticeable differences? They describe it as "roughly" completable. What do you guys think? I have BG1 and BG2 plus expansions.
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    The Youtube Video Thread!

    Anybody want any other videos? I was thinking about one showing Super Metroid and Streets of Rage 2. Maybe Final Fantasy VII as well. Let me know if you have an requests.
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    Beta Psx4Pandora Beta

    Here's a couple of games I've test ( US versions ): Final Fantasy IX - The menus flicker pretty bad in battle as well as the characters at times ( especially in the first scene as Vivi ). I'm not seeing any problems with the FMVs. Dragon Warror VII - The menus flicker even worse in this game...
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    The One Nub Club

    So I've used the Pandora for a whole day and I can't really see any nub issues anymore. Like MDave said, I center the nubs perfectly myself when I restart. They don't go to the center completely on their own, so I move them slightly to get them there. I was playing Hexen II without any issues...
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    The One Nub Club

    I received my one nubber today. Both nubs seemed to have some trouble moving in certain directions. I don't notice any kind of grinding or anything though. I did a restart and did the calibration dance and they both are working a lot better. I'm going to keep playing with it and make some...
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    The One Nub Club

    Was hoping to get my one nubber before the week, but it looks like it is not going to happen. So sad... Hopefully it will come Monday. Its been 9 days since I've received my shipping email today. I'm on the east coast of the US.
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    The One Nub Club

    I'm in Eastern Time, guess I will be getting mine mid next week.
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    Tell Us Non-Snes Guys What The Best Of Snes Are :)

    Yes, the StarWars series was great for the SNES.