I was working on a side scroller engine a few months ago but then I got side tracked by other things. I just recently ported it to the pandora.
If anyone is interested in helping, I'd like to finish the engine. I'm not working with the orginial artist (paramultart) anymore so I would definitely need an artist. I'd also like to work with a coder that has a lot of experience with creating games. I initially learned using XNA and have done this using c++ but could probably learn some more. Let me know if anyone is interested in taking this engine farther.
p is jump and down+p is to drop down. Esc quits.
The engine currently uses a quad tree for drawing and collision and that is pretty complete. It uses open gl for the graphics and the graphics engine is fairly complete with scaling and rotation. Levels and objects are currently read in from xml files.
If anyone is interested in helping, I'd like to finish the engine. I'm not working with the orginial artist (paramultart) anymore so I would definitely need an artist. I'd also like to work with a coder that has a lot of experience with creating games. I initially learned using XNA and have done this using c++ but could probably learn some more. Let me know if anyone is interested in taking this engine farther.
p is jump and down+p is to drop down. Esc quits.
The engine currently uses a quad tree for drawing and collision and that is pretty complete. It uses open gl for the graphics and the graphics engine is fairly complete with scaling and rotation. Levels and objects are currently read in from xml files.