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    What Are You Playing At The Moment

    just doomv9 either doom or doom2, havent been playing pwads lately. i have GPdoom set to quicklaunch with PacRom... its all i use my gp for B)
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    i second the porn. lol jk/ i'd say... ooh, i dunno actually. a new SMC? could always use more of them.
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    Poll: Favourite Piece Of Game Music

    oh and of course the music to all Smilebit games. and the arcade game Ollie King... awesome music.
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

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    I Hate Skool!!

    oh yeah. spelling with a K is SO much cooler... why would you assume that people think it makes them cooler? why is it that all you do is flame?
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    Poll: Favourite Piece Of Game Music

    original tetris theme and POKEMON!!! :lol: jk i like the zelda music as well.
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    :lol: damn... i need a PSP... argh! money sucks! the world should just use a barter system... i'd trade my PC for one of those! :)
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    I Need People To Test My Game

    looks cool. i need to find an RPGMaker style prog for mac, the only one that comes to mind is coldstone, and i dont have 60 bucks to blow on it...
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    The 101 Uses Thread

    :lol: just chill out!
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    The Very Original Current Listening Thread!!

    The Pillows- Advice :D
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    I Hate Skool!!

    heh... you guys need a tb shot... :P
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    Game Gear And Nomad Questions

    nomad- FUCKING HUGE.
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    I'm Making A Game

    damn it... need to send the files... i got too busy on friday to send, and i can send exes from school... i'll see if i can zip them peter.
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    Funny Links And Jokes

    yeah... Blah? POW! Zeeky Boogy Dook! BAM!
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    Ahhhhhh Shit Cartridge

    heh, ok then, GOITYFEST :P
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    Funny Links And Jokes

    Demented Cartoon Movie, its on albinoblacksheep. i'd pst a link but its blocked at school. look under the Flash Section. If you can handle sitting to watch the whole thing, its hilarious :lol:
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    What is your avatar of?

    i love myself :D
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    I'm Making A Game

    bump! :D finally have the beta ready to go. peter, i'll email it to you when i get home. post a link up when you get it. And btw, the game runs on win 9.x to XP, but if you dont have XP, you need this dll to run it: gdipluss
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    Ibook Question

    DO NOT GET A CLAMSHELL. Unless you can pick one up for less than 200, (if youre in the US), and its for hobby, nbot regular use. They are way too underpowered...