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  1. E

    Euro launch official

    if it's official where is the press release? usually big companies make these press releases.. anything before a press release is a guess i'd say..
  2. E

    Where can i get IRC?

    1) read the faq how to get the PDUID at gp32emu 2) re-read that so you will understand it! 3) read it again!!1 4) go to 5) choose a nickname and enter it .. if you dont know how to do it lets say you put in guest9999 6) enter anything in the realname box...
  3. E

    So, what country are you from?

    bah.. complaining about poll options where's finland .. we have atleast 3 finnish ppl who own gp32 ;)
  4. E

    Where can I find the Euro FW?

    it wasn't too hard to find it here.. ;)
  5. E

    GBAX GP32s pre-flashed to MFW?

    i atleast would go for multifw2 .. or wait for spiv to release the multifw3 he has been working for some time ;) multifw is way more tested then orginal or eurofw .. and since failed flash wont be problem when graigx flashes there wont be any problems with that.. maybe you could give a choise...
  6. E

    Giana's Return with Dreamcast link

    and it's easy to backup DC games from internet ;P hmm... /me starts praying "please mods dont ban me" ;>
  7. E

    What is best/cheap rip Software

    or afterdawn (ofcoz it has nothing to do that it's friend's site) ;P
  8. E

    what are these systems: GPI and GP64

    that's written by me (to robert's wiki page) around summer '02 or so ;) info found from insertcredit & our spy's at gamepark ;) insertcredit article #1 insertcredit article #2 insertcredit article #3
  9. E

    PSP Concept shots

    can you tell which game developer? :)
  10. E

    PSP Concept shots

    even 3½hours with those specs is good .. but i bet that aint measured with everything running at fastest clockspeed ;) and i for one hope that it's not clamshell .. clamshell for phones is ok but not game console .. but that's me again ;) what protos have you seen as this is the only picture...
  11. E

    PSP Concept shots

    i think by diffrend version they mean that some versions have all those wifi&dolby digital(or whatever it was) things and cost a little fortune and then there will be those "stripped down" versions that dont have anything but the basic features that would make alot of sense.. as they could make...
  12. E

    european release?

    ehem.. since when gamepark has actually had any clue what they are doing? there has been no logic or anything else that could be distinguished in their actions to this day ;P they are good in few things: 1) delays 2) false promises 3) pr.. what's that? 4) eww.. what is this thing you call...
  13. E

    prototype gp32....

    the proto fx-man has is the old model with arm7 .. dont know if they had own chip for CF stuff or did the processor support CF itself.. but the thing is .. they changed to much powerfull arm9 (the gp32 we know) and that had mmc(smc) stuff buildin .. and smc was much "better" choise for gaming...
  14. E

    Change The SMC slot to compact flash

    compact flash is kindof IDE drive.. smc slot is nowhere near IDE slot.. so i really doubt that this could be done.
  15. E

    32MB Upgrade now a real possibility?

    the mem works.. and spiv knows how to make bios aware of it.. the problem is the libs that dont yet support it.. it doesn't matter if you run "old" apps with 32mb mem.. but running 32mb apps on "old" gp32 might be some problem (until spiv or someone finds a way to see if gp32 has 32 or 8mb of...
  16. E

    prototype gp32....

    it was to show games on "big" screen at ECTS (of last year) or something like that .. and he got it after that .. the green one is the older prototype of gp32 and i bet it has as much internet as gp32 has wireless gaming without GP-Link ;) //empee
  17. E

    Flashing my firmware with the new European one.

    the flasher that comes it should verify if bios flash failed and try again.. and about voiding warranty.. i really doubt gamepark wouldn't fix your gp32 for you even if you used some "non-official" flasher.. as it takes few minutes of their time to flash new fw with jtag.. but i'll still wait...
  18. E

    GP32 Euro Released cancelled

    someone called noir came to the gp32 channels in irc today and just said: [06:43pm] <noir^> fuck gamepark - for eu fw in plain bin and for euro fw w/ flasher so i guess we got the euro fw after all.. mods can remove the links if they think that's...
  19. E

    GP32 Euro Released cancelled

    Well, english ain't my native tongue too. And i think that clip was from e-mail and i bet it wasn't ment to be "official" announcement. And for the record, gamepark doesn't have anyone who could write even that good english. (atleast none of the programmers, CEO or the PR guy they had year ago...
  20. E

    GP32 Euro Released cancelled

    some others have reported the cancellation too.. and aren't most marketting ppl 5years old ? (atleast gamepark writes as bad as they) ;P and remember that mitsui europe is from some place called "germany" (dunno what that is) i know only few people from this "germany" place that speak/write...