
Heres the link

Email client, instant messaging service, flash and multimedia player (including Divx), image viewer

Here it says about the flash player,That means it has been released ,So how come we havent been able to use it?#
Looks interesting, but what does the "Korea Only" aspect of the wireless mean? You cant use it as a multiplayer gaming device anywhere, or that and you cant use it as a cell phone either? And what do you all think of those L and R buttons being so far down? I think it will be good for SNES emulation, you'll actually have 4 buttons close to eachother... wait a minute, where are the start and select buttons?
And can you program the numeric keypad to use as buttons in gameplay?
all those news stories are way out of date..... they are all from 2002. The interview with Gamepark is funny though.

It can easily be summed up with one lie....

ic: First off, thanks for taking the time to answer these questions.

Game Park: No problem. Anytime.
According to Craig, GamePark is strapped for cash, they probably dont have the capital to launch it without the money that would probably come from a Euro launch.

I have a funny feeling the linux used on the GPi might rely on the extra memory its packin' but then again even if they could release it for the GP32 it might be a licencing issue they stopped them.

...personally I dont really like the whole cellphone/gaming scene. If I want to play games with people miles away I'll stay home and do it from the comfort of my own chair. Even though I just spent 200 bucks on a GP32 and would much rather se development focused on making IT better, I'd prefer a GP64 to the GPi.

...not that it's gonna happen anytime soon.
The GPi was announced a long time ago and I believe it was cancelled some time last year. So, don't expect to see it on the market.