Search results

  1. N

    3G over USB

    A pnd application is possible ?
  2. N

    Release VVVVVV for Pandora

    Sorry, but where is this parameter ? Ingame if change a setting, vvvvvv crashes :s
  3. N

    Gnuboy screen problems?

    Thank you Gruso ;) It's ok :P
  4. N

    Gnuboy screen problems?

    I have a identical problem... it's possible to fix this bug ? Thank in advance:)
  5. N

    Release VVVVVV for Pandora

    Hello, it's normal that the VVVVVV screen is not centered with the display of the Pandora screen ? Thank you in advance
  6. N

    CPS2 Games

    It's possible to port CPS2 emulator caanoo's on Pandora ? It's larger great to mame :)
  7. N

    Beta Java Pnd

    This Java release for Pandora working properly ? It's JRE ? Thank
  8. N

    Project Zomboid

    The Java platform it is ported to Pandora? The game itself to you it needs to be ported or "ARM Java" can be launched directly? Without the controls of course:) Cordialy
  9. N

    Selling Openpandora As A New!

    Nio i have PM you ;) Cordialy
  10. N

    Pcsx Rearmed

    Thank Notaz ;p your work is really good :D FF9 work perfectly ^^ I just a question, where the file for memcard ? It is possible to use a memcard of PCSX (PC) ? Thank you in advance and still, it is a really good work ;) Cordially
  11. N

    PSP (Playstation Portable)

    Ho sorry i don't read correctly the name of emulator :wacko: This is fine ^_^ PCSP have a chance to be ported of our beloved Pandora ? Hlide say be less and less optimistic :(
  12. N

    PSP (Playstation Portable)

    Gunrock PCSP is coded in c++ language ;)
  13. N

    Preorders have started! (2011-10-04)

    Preordered too :D
  14. N

    Business Plan sent to interested investors (2011 - 09 - 20)

    ED I have a question, after the pre-order, how long can you one hoped to receive the Pandora? Cordialy
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    Business Plan finished, ready to gather investors! (2011 - 09 - 09)

    Thank you ED for quick reponse ;) I wait to be able to order with impatience ^^
  16. N

    Business Plan finished, ready to gather investors! (2011 - 09 - 09)

    Hello ED, When the preorders start ? every day I come on the forum to see if the pre-order has not begun. The estimated time would be welcome :) Cordialy